Recent content by lavenderblue

  1. L

    Calculating the radius of a HII region - worked out but just need you to check

    Homework Statement Estimate the radius of a spherical HII region which rests at a distance of 500 pc that subtends an angle of 20' at the observer. [1'=3x10-4 radians] Homework Equations L=D(theta) Where D is the distance, L is the angular size and theta is the angle. The Attempt...
  2. L

    Dimensional Analysis? Getting funny answers here

    This question is on the radius of a shell, which is: R[shell] = ((Luminosity*time^3)/(density))^1/5 I have been asked to prove this using dimensional analysis, and have broken the quantities down into their basic units, but seem to be getting really funny answers (with most of the powers...
  3. L

    What are the units for the equation E=gamma*m?

    I'm using the equation: E=gamma*m I want to know what the units of each of the quantities are. If I want to calculate the Lorentz factor, then do I need to make sure that both the Energy and mass have the same units? I am also using the equation for length contraction: L=L0*gamma Do I...
  4. L

    What is the Gaussian Curvature of a Cone at its Vertex?

    I was told that geometry of the cone is flat with K=0 everywhere except z=0. Do I use the expression for Gaussian curvature for a parabaloid?
  5. L

    What is the Gaussian Curvature of a Cone at its Vertex?

    I was told this by a GR lecturer. But I'm not sure of the mathematics!
  6. L

    What is the Gaussian Curvature of a Cone at its Vertex?

    Hi, I know that you can determine that the Gaussian curvature of a cone tends to infinity at the vertex, but seeing as the curvature anywhere else on the cone is zero, how is this possible?
  7. L

    Are First and Second Derivative Calculations for |x-a| - |x+a| Correct?

    Hey I have been asked to find the first and second derivatives of lx-al-lx+al I have, for the first derivative got, sign(x-a)-sign(x+a) and for the second, i have: 2(delta)(x-a)-2(delta)(x+a) am i right in both cases? I also have to draw them 'schematically' how do i do this?
  8. L

    Converting Intensity into magnitudes

    I need to convert the intensity, 130 counts per pixel into magnitudes per sq arc second. I have been given the radius as 5 arc sec, and a calibration constant, which is 30.8.
  9. L

    Normalization of a Spherical Harmonic

    I need to show that the spherical harmonic, Y^-1 of l=1 is Normalized. Y(m=-1, l=1) = sqrt(3/(8(pi))sin(theta)exp(-i(thi))
  10. L

    Half wave equation is this right?

    Hey, I've been asked to find the minimum thickness for a slab of crystalline sapphire. The equation for the half wave plate is : d(ne-no) = (m+1/2)*lambda I found the minimum by using the fact that m=0 It then asks what the other wavelengths are which will allow the plate to act as a...
  11. L

    Compton scattering and the energies of incident and scattered photons ?

    Compton scattering and the energies of incident and scattered photons...? [b]Hey guys! I'm alittle stuck...Hope you can shed light on this for me! The question is: 'In a head-on compton encounter, the total energy (i.e the rest mass plus the kinetic energy) of the scattered electron is...
  12. L

    Linear algebra, eigenvalues, linear combinations, complex numbers.

    Help with Quantum please! If a1=a2=a then show that any linear combination (psi)=a1(psi)1 + a2(psi)2, where a1 and a2 re arbitrary complex numbers, is also an eigenstate with th same eigenvalue i.e. show that A(psi)=a(psi) Could you please show your full workings I don't know where to start...
  13. L

    Help Stern-Gerlach Experiment and Spherical Harmonics

    Hey, this is going to be abit long winded... In a Stern-Gerlach experiment a beam of hydrogenic atoms in the l=1 state traveling along the y-axis is first passed through an inhomogeneous magnetic field in the z-direction to yield three beams corresponding to three eigenstates Y(z,1), Y(z,0)...