Recent content by Larry89

  1. L

    Quantum SHM with Finite Potential and Hermite Polynomials

    Let it be V=(1/2)m(w^2)(x^2) for -L<x<L and V=A finite for x elsewhere. is it obvious to use the wavefunction for the SHO that has infinite limits for the (-L,L) region and the usual decay of tunneling for the parts outside x</L/, and then play with the boundary conditions to determine the...
  2. L

    Research for undergraduates during the summer?

    Research for undergraduates during the summer?? I am studying physics with medical physics in the UK and for the last 3 months I am looking for summer research internships for undergraduates but all I found are in the US and all of them ask for US citizens or permanent residence.(most of them...
  3. L

    Choose University: Leeds or Surrey?

    Hi, I have offers from both Surrey (physics with medical physics) and Leeds (MPhys in medical physics). These are the best in physics according to the times good university guide that have this kind of program, but which should it be my firm choice? Since I live in Greece I don’t have so much...
  4. L

    Medical Brain Physics: Physicists' Role in Brain Functions Research

    thank u all, i am starting this year my bachelors on physics with medical physics(in england) and i think brain function is a really intersting research area for further studies.
  5. L

    Medical Brain Physics: Physicists' Role in Brain Functions Research

    What’s the physicists’ role in the brain functions' research? Is it only the imaging (PET scans, fMRIs)?
  6. L

    Germany: Participating in International Physics Olympics 2007

    gr Actually the Greek system sucks!:mad: There is only one round so during the 3 hours you’ve been given, u have to solve about a dozen stupid exercises (actually playing with the maths) and a quit interesting theoretical experiment. There is no mechanism preparing those who are interested...
  7. L

    IPhO Prep Book: The Ultimate Guide for IPhO Preparation and Assistance

    Is there any book you know for IPhO preparation? help please