Recent content by LaraCroft

  1. L

    Distance between parallel planes?

    Homework Statement How do I determine the distance between the parallel planes 2x-4y+ 2z = 5 and -2x+4y-2z= -9: ___? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I got 1/4, but I think that is wrong. Any help would be great!
  2. L

    Determinant of 4x4 Matrix with Given Value and Variable Columns

    Homework Statement If a 4x4 matrix A with rows v1, v2, v3 and v4 has determinant detA =-2 then then det (v1, 9v2+5v3, 5v2+8v3, v4) =___? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Ok, so I think it should be -18 (since 9 x -2). I mean the determinant should not change...
  3. L

    How Do Row Operations Affect Matrix Determinants?

    Homework Statement If the determinant of a 3 x 3 matrix A is det(A) = 10, and the matrix B is obtained by multiplying the third row by 8, then det(B) = ___? If the determinant of a 5 x 5 matrix A is det(A) = 9, and the matrix C is obtained from A by swapping the second and fourth rows, then...
  4. L

    How do I work with a matrix like this? is it exponential multiplication?
  5. L

    What does 'write A as a product of 4 elementary matrices' mean?

    Homework Statement So, if the problem asks... Find the elementary matrices such that the respective matrix equation holds...what do I do? [_ _ _] [4 4 -1] [4 4 -1 ] [_ _ _] [4 -1 -5] = [4 -1 -5] [_ _ _] [-4 1 4] [-12 3 12] Does this mean to find a...
  6. L

    How do I work with a matrix like this?

    How do I work with a matrix like this?? Homework Statement How do I go about solving a matrix like this: [ 3e^4t -2e^3t ] [ 4e^4t -5e^3t ] Like how would I get the determinant and stuff? Do I avoid the exponent looking things, or get rid of them somehow?? Please help...
  7. L

    Inverse of a weird looking matrix

    Homework Statement If A = [ -4e^4t sin(9t) -4e^5t cos(9t) ] [ 4e^4t cos(9t) 4e^5t sin(9t) ] then what would A^-1 be? I think I am mainly confused with the cos's and sin's...and all that other junk...since I know how to get the inverse of a regular matrix! Thank you...
  8. L

    Matrix teaser any suggestions?

    Let A = [ -3 9 ] [ -1 3 ] Find two 2x2 matrices B and C, such that AB = AC BUT B does not equal C. I am stumped, but I am trying inverses and such, with no luck :( Any insight would be great!:wink:
  9. L

    What is the Inverse Matrix for A?

    Homework Statement If A = [ -4e^4t sin(9t) -4e^5t cos (9t) ] [ 4e^4t cos (9t) -4te^5t sin (9t) ] then A^-1 = [ ___ ___ ] [ ___ ___ ] Homework Equations how do you deal with the exponents? The Attempt at a Solution Put into RREF, and then see what the inverse is?
  10. L

    How Can I Calculate Determinant, Cofactors, Adjugate, and Inverse of a Matrix?

    Homework Statement Let A = [ 3 2 ] [ 6 7 ] Find the following: (a) det (A) = __ (b) the matrix of cofactors C = (__, __) (__, __) (c) adj (A) = (__, __) (__, __) (d) A^-1 = (__,__) (__, __) Homework Equations I am just not to familiar with what cofactor means, and...
  11. L

    Are these statements TRUE or FALSE and why?

    Hey, Just stumbled into some linear algebra questions in my textbook...that I can't quite seem to work out... Prove or disprove the following statements concerning 2 x 2 matrices: 1) If A^2 - 3A- 2I = 0 then (A-1) and (A-2I) are both invertible. (so I got the determinant to be 0...
  12. L

    Linear Algebra: Finding the Inverse of a Matrix

    Linear algebra question... Hello again! if I let A = [0 1 0 ] [1 1 -2] [2 3 -3] How would I find A^-1? Is that the notation for inverse? Also, could I express A^-1 as a product of at most five elementary matrices? What does this mean exactly? Thanks!:smile:
  13. L

    Linear algebra question about matrices

    Ok... Firstly, thank you everyone for responding... Secondly, I am still not getting how to determine all the values of K, so that the matrix (call it A) is the augmented matrix of a system with infinitely many solutions. How would I find all values of K? I understand that I need to row...
  14. L

    Linear algebra question about matrices

    How would one determine the values of k such that the following matrix is the augmented matrix of a system with infinitely many solutions: [ (k + 2) -2 1 | 2 ] [ (k + 3) (k+ 3) 2 | 2 ] [ (k + 2) -2 (k -1 ) | -3 ] Also, how would I get all values of k such that the matrix for the...