Recent content by KYPOWERLIFTER

  1. K

    Law of Sines problems that involve a perpendicular

    Eureka! As for the second problem, I now get 490.75'. The answer given is 490.83'. I am thinking that is rounding difference. On the first problem, I have no idea why I used cos instead of sine. . . looking at too many problems, I suppose. However, the given answer is 345.43'. After I correct...
  2. K

    Law of Sines problems that involve a perpendicular

    Could someone point me in the correct direction? I have no problem working out the angles and lines, but when one has to take into account the perpendicular, then I get confused. It is clear that the relationships are altered, but I am missing something? I have made worked further in the problem...
  3. K

    Who Coined the Phrase Physics or Checkers?

    Damn! Thank you. It appears those recesses are darker than I thought.
  4. K

    Who Coined the Phrase Physics or Checkers?

    Somewhere in the dark recesses of my mind, I recollect something that was quoted as either uttered or written by a physicist. It went something along the lines of ". . . when it come to science, it's either physics or checkers." I have paraphrased it. It believe that it was a British gentleman...
  5. K

    Advice for Self-Studying Math and Science

    A moribund tome? Wish me luck!
  6. K

    Advice for Self-Studying Math and Science

    Edit: Egad! I misspelled the title, fitting. . . uh, make that "Stream" of consciousness. Not to be a bore. . . I have, of late, become rather obsessed with the science(s). (I guess it depends on one's epistemic commitments as to it being physics or a subset, or individual hard sciences.) It...
  7. K

    My DIY Squirrel Cage Fan Fume Hood Project

    I posted this question: "Think it will work out?" That question is not this question: "Will it work?" My reply was not an attempt to be a smartass; if vague. So, feel free not to reply. Under the circumstances, I understand. What do we powerlifters know, anyway? Merely how to lift heavy...
  8. K

    My DIY Squirrel Cage Fan Fume Hood Project

    I am unclear as to your meaning. Your question was put in quotation marks so I supposed you were referencing my own question which was something different, both explicitly and implicitly. My question was framed within the context of my post per se. And it was, put in different words: WILL THIS...
  9. K

    My DIY Squirrel Cage Fan Fume Hood Project

    Didn't realize that the raison d'etre was unclear. The question was: "Think it will work out?" This, taken in conjunction with the prior statement: "My idea is to use it for a fume hood", should erase any doubts as to the tasks which would be the fulfillment of its 'work'. To wit, the removal...
  10. K

    My DIY Squirrel Cage Fan Fume Hood Project

    I don't think it matters so much whether or not they are sparkless as long as the motor is outside the flow path... Perhaps the 'bearings' will be an issue, vis-a-vis sparks, uncertain. Considering some actually use inline motors, maybe it will last a while. I wonder if I could somehow protect...
  11. K

    My DIY Squirrel Cage Fan Fume Hood Project

    I just bought this squirrel cage fan off ebay. My idea is to use it for a fume hood. According to seller it runs very well; I will clean, oil, and throw a coat of a paint on it. Got it for 20 bucks. The motor is completely separated from the cage as I wanted. However, it gives no CMF? It is a...
  12. K

    Polar Covalent Bonding: Mu=Qr?

    Crystalline. Well stated explanation. Cogent and coherent. It seems I had convoluted a relatively simple notion.
  13. K

    Polar Covalent Bonding: Mu=Qr?

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I was confusing two different concepts. Is this a more appropriate way to think of the dipole moment: In HCl the dipole moment refers to the separation of charge within an HCL molecule due to the polarizing effect of the difference in electronegativities of the two...
  14. K

    Polar Covalent Bonding: Mu=Qr?

    Yeah, I know... pons asinorum Polar covalent bonding/dipole moment: If mu=Qr, where Q is the charge and r is the separation of charges, does it follow that as bond length increases that the dipole moment (mu) would increase in magnitude for the same charge? I do not understand this... If...
  15. K

    Tube Furnace Fabrication: Any Tips or Recommendations?

    Update: I have located two Mullite tubes; one @ 83.00 and one @ 86.00 Kanthal A-1 Wire @ 15.00-20.00 ITC 100 HT ceramic paste @ 38.00 Kaowool 1" 2600F 2 ft2 @ 13.50 Variac (for temp control) ebay searching ~100.00 Stove pipe... 10.00-15.00 Thermocouple and thermometer with the TP 04...