Recent content by kweierstrass

  1. K

    Visually attractive Mandelbrot zoom points

    Thanks Dodo, I will have a look there.
  2. K

    Visually attractive Mandelbrot zoom points

    Hi, I have been working on some Mandelbrot wallpapers for some time but have so far only visualized the whole set i.e. no zooming. I think that it could be nice with wallpapers visualizing a zoomed in part of the border of the set. Does anyone know coordinates to interesting places for zooming...
  3. K

    What is the meaning of a ket in quantum mechanics?

    Maybe I should have meantioned the whole context, I now realize that it means the eigenket coresponding to the eigenvalue 1 in my specific problem. Thanks anyway
  4. K

    What is the meaning of a ket in quantum mechanics?

    What is meant when writing a "one-ket" like this |1> ?