Recent content by kur82

  1. K

    Atomic Energy States in a Crystal: Einstein's Relation

    Does atoms in a crystal have energy states like electronic states? it is according to Einstein relation for harmonic oscillator.E=nhw
  2. K

    Understanding Rest Mass of an Electron in a Crystal

    Hi all. we know that the rest is the mass of an object within a coordinate system which has zero velocity, but how does it exist for an electron inside a crystal, which we call rest mass of electron, how electron exist with zero velocity.or we mean by zero velocity of electron with respect to...
  3. K

    Water Evaporation: Boiling Point & Slow Evaporation

    It is known that boiling point of water is 100C or evaporated at 100C and atmospheric pressure. why we see that water evaporates slowly at all temperature.
  4. K

    ?Radio Waves vs Visible Light: Is it Correct?

    radio waves propagate through air or penetrate material more than visible light. is it correct? why