Recent content by KosKallah

  1. K

    I A problem with science media coverage

    Recently, a paper has taken some scientific dissemination media coverage, at which journalists claim the authors have proven a breach in time symmetry for a three-body system composed of black holes. This is the paper's address at Arxiv: Initially, I would like...
  2. K

    One who knows enough to think he is right, but not enought to.... ;)

    Thanks for the welcome! :) I agree with you and I am not against the math, but for the inclusion of conceptual thinking together with math. Truly, without math, we do not have the tools to perform meaningful experiments about anything in the level of knowledge we have today. It is just a...
  3. K

    One who knows enough to think he is right, but not enought to.... ;)

    No, this is not my position. Don't worry. :) This is a position held by many in the physics community and has even earned a quote attributed to Richard Feynman.
  4. K

    One who knows enough to think he is right, but not enought to.... ;)

    Well, metaphysics is a little broader than that, encompassing moral physics and existence itself, as an example. I am talking in physical, not metaphysical terms. Ex: We know that a photon is an oscillation between a magnetic and an electric field. That is a conceptual definition of a photon...
  5. K

    One who knows enough to think he is right, but not enought to.... ;)

    Sure! I am not saying we should abandon all the mathematization we build around physics, as that would reduce us to the place of the old naturalist philosophers (with nothing but concepts and logic in their arsenal and very little to test outside their everyday experience). Regardless, it is...
  6. K

    One who knows enough to think he is right, but not enought to.... ;)

    True! Despite that, there is a lot of a "shut up and calculate" mentality and that also makes us lose track of the understanding itself. Following on your metaphor, *only* expressing physics in mathematical terms is like trying to understand Picasso just by the shapes and colors in his...
  7. K

    One who knows enough to think he is right, but not enought to.... ;)

    How did you find PF?: Google search results... lots of them throughout my endless searches on subjects related to physics. :) I love physics, even though I have no formal academic study on the subject. While wandering the Internet trying to get as much information as possible, I ended up more...