Recent content by Kkelloww

  1. K

    Need assistance with orbital dynamics questions

    Thanks for the replies guys. Basically, we would be talking about the end of most life. How large would the moon appear at perigee? I guessing about 10 degrees? How fast would it traverse the visible sky? Would it go through phases from full to new like it does now? Would the variable...
  2. K

    Need assistance with orbital dynamics questions

    The effects on Earth if the moon was in a highly eccentric orbit. perigee about 35,000 km which is outside the Roche limit I believe. Could such an orbit be sustainable. Also, what would the orbital period be and how far would apogee distance be? How fast would it orbit Earth during perigee...
  3. K

    Need assistance with orbital dynamics questions

    Hello, I am currently writing a novel and there are quite a few situations that I would like to create that involve orbital dynamics. I would like to be as realistic as possible. I am seeking a knowledgeable person that can ballpark these problems. I do not think that it would take to much of...