Recent content by KishoreAM

  1. KishoreAM

    Exploring the Differences Between Toughness and Resilience

    What is the difference between Toughness and Resilience? What is the Total energy stored in a body under load?
  2. KishoreAM

    Calculating Internal Pipe Diameter: What's the Formula?

    Could you please tell me how did they find those velocity ranges for various Pressures in pipes?
  3. KishoreAM

    Calculating Internal Pipe Diameter: What's the Formula?

    Thanks guys...but think of it like this I need to carry a fluid which is at Pressure P and flowing at a flow rate Q, What is the internal diameter of pipe I should use?
  4. KishoreAM

    Calculating Internal Pipe Diameter: What's the Formula?

    Guys...need a little help Given Internal fluid Pressure P (Not Pressure Drop) flow rate Q Length Assume all the required parameters like viscosity, fluid density, temperature of the fluid, surface roughness and all losses (both major and minor) etc... I need to find the internal diameter of...
  5. KishoreAM

    Why Does Fluid Accelerate and Decelerate Over a Convex Surface?

    Guys...Can anyone explain me why fluid accelerates and then decelerates when flowing over a convex surface and also concept of flow attachment in simple terms
  6. KishoreAM

    Temperature Profile -- temperature-length curve of a metal bar

    Guys...I don't know the complete question. Some guy posted this question.(Not completely) I asked u that question becoz I am also preparing for the same interview. What do u guys think the correct question could be? I mean like the boundary conditions etc...
  7. KishoreAM

    Temperature Profile -- temperature-length curve of a metal bar

    Then how to find temperature at the junction?
  8. KishoreAM

    Temperature Profile -- temperature-length curve of a metal bar's an isolated bar...
  9. KishoreAM

    Temperature Profile -- temperature-length curve of a metal bar

    So...How to find the temperature at the junction? Is it constant or Varies with time?
  10. KishoreAM

    Temperature Profile -- temperature-length curve of a metal bar

    Guys... If there is a bar, half of it is Copper and another half is Steel (Length wise) and both of its ends are at 1000K and I want to know how to find the temperature- length curve. this was an interview Question by the way.
  11. KishoreAM

    Surface Tension: Pressure Diff & Cross-Sectional Area Explained

    Hi Guys... I have a small doubt regarding surface tension. When calculating the relation between Pressure Difference inside and outside a Droplet and Surface Tension, we multiply Pressure Difference with Cross Sectional Area of the Droplet and equate it to the Surface tension force. My doubt is...
  12. KishoreAM

    I Transfer Phenomenon: Why Coal Slows & Speeds Trains

    Imagine two railroad trains traveling on parallel tracks at different speeds, and workers shoveling coal from one train to the other. On the average, the impact of particles of coal going from the slower to the faster train will tend to slow down the faster train, and similarly the coal going...
  13. KishoreAM

    What Can You Gain from Participating in Online Science Forums?

    Hi, My name is Kishore and I'm a Mechaincal Engineering student from BITS, Pilani, India and I have signed up because I believe reading several threads would help me a lot and gain a lot of knowledge.