Recent content by Kirjava

  1. K

    Kitaev's Periodic Table (of Topological Insulators & SCs)

    Let me address a possible misconception first: the correspondence between AZ symmetry classes and the classifying spaces is "dimension dependant", so it doesn't quite make sense to equate R_4 with the symmetry class AII. Regarding your question: you're right that a PH symmetry is not present...
  2. K

    Kitaev's Periodic Table (of Topological Insulators & SCs)

    Hi Comrade, I'm glad to see that this (rather old) discussion is still proving useful to somebody. I started this thread whilst I was (beginning) to write my undergraduate thesis on the subject of topological insulators and their K-theory classification - out of curiosity may I presume to ask...
  3. K

    How to Derive the Chern-Simons Contribution to the Effective Action?

    Of all the references I find Dunne's approach on page 52 of the most understandable. He shows exactly how the Chern-Simons term arises through an explicit computation and obtains its coefficient. Unfortunately these computations are carried out for Dirac...
  4. K

    How to Derive the Chern-Simons Contribution to the Effective Action?

    Hi PF, I'm still very much a novice when it comes to QFT, but there's a particular calculation I'd like to understand and which (I suspect) may be just within reach. In short, the result is that after coupling a system of fermions to an external U(1) gauge field, one obtains a Chern-Simons...
  5. K

    Why Do Edge States Carry the Current in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect?

    To clarify, is the Hall current shared between bulk and edge states in such a way as to preserve its precise quantization?
  6. K

    Why Do Edge States Carry the Current in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect?

    Hi PF, Hoping somebody out there can help me to clear up what is probably a silly misunderstanding of the IQHE: Since the quantized Hall current can be expressed as a property of occupied bulk bands (Chern number) why do we say that the current is carried by the edge states?
  7. K

    Counterexamples to the bulk-boundary correspondence (topological insulators)

    Thanks for the attentive replies as usual. I understand that once interactions are added things become less clear, and there are (many?) known interacting cases where the BBC fails. Nevertheless I think it's still an interesting question to ask whether it holds in all the known non-trivial...
  8. K

    Counterexamples to the bulk-boundary correspondence (topological insulators)

    There appear to be a number of different approaches to characterizing the bulk of a topological insulator (some of which may avoid this difficulty), but the simplest non-interacting methods are formulated in the language of Bloch wavefunctions and Hamiltonian. An edge or interface obviously...
  9. K

    Counterexamples to the bulk-boundary correspondence (topological insulators)

    In the literature on topological insulators and superconductors the 'bulk-boundary correspondence' features quite heavily. One version of this conjecture says roughly: "At an interface between two materials belonging to the same symmetry class with bulk invariants n and m, precisely |n-m|...
  10. K

    Kitaev's Periodic Table (of Topological Insulators & SCs)

    I've been wondering about where this connection would lie along the axis of profundity, but figured that I wouldn't find out until I got around to studying it in detail. Hmm. Thanks for the references again. I've also been entertaining the possibility of investigating the status of Kitaev's work...
  11. K

    Kitaev's Periodic Table (of Topological Insulators & SCs)

    Hi element4, thanks for the links. Regarding sources for KR-theory, I've found that a combination of Kitaev's primary reference (the book by Max Karoubi) and the original paper by Atiyah (e.g. is fairly comprehensive. Karoubi develops ordinary...
  12. K

    Kitaev's Periodic Table (of Topological Insulators & SCs)

    That time dilation, how does it work? In seriousness though, Personally I've found many of the more 'physical arguments' in this area to be quite baffling. Again, they presume a certain amount of familiarity and intuition for concepts that I just don't have. The mathematical arguments...
  13. K

    Kitaev's Periodic Table (of Topological Insulators & SCs)

    Thanks again Monkey, some resolution on these issues comes as quite a relief (unfortunately nobody in my department studies these things, so they'd been bottled and stewing for quite a while). Rather than harassing you with endless questions though, could I ask you to recommend a text which...
  14. K

    Kitaev's Periodic Table (of Topological Insulators & SCs)

    Another less speculative question if anyone is still out there: I've seen a few authors talk about creation/annihilation operators as though they're automatically defined globally over the whole Brillouin zone (e.g. Equation 12 of the paper Monkey linked). Doesn't this amount to assuming that...
  15. K

    Kitaev's Periodic Table (of Topological Insulators & SCs)

    Ah, I meant to say " ... written in terms of quadratic combinations of Majorana operators", so your second point was really the one I was after. Sorry about that. It seems to me that if we relax the restriction to quadratic hamiltonians the "real structure" of his K-theory classification is...