Recent content by KevinMcHugh

  1. K

    I Are gravitons necessary?

    Never-ending. Just did a search, and got my a swer
  2. K

    I Are gravitons necessary?

    If gravity is not a force, but rather curvature of spacetime, are gravitons necessary to couple with gravitational field?
  3. K

    B USGS Moon Map w/ Legend: Help Finding & Enlarging

    I went to the usgs site and found the pdf, but for some reason I could not enlarge the file to read it. Any body got a link to the map with a legend? TIA.
  4. K

    B How much math is required to do QM?

    Armstrong is awesome for group theory.
  5. K

    I Uncovering the Truth: Jupiter's Core Revealed as Solid Diamond by Tammy Ma

    Thank you, about what figured. So much for pop science.
  6. K

    I Uncovering the Truth: Jupiter's Core Revealed as Solid Diamond by Tammy Ma

    In a recent Scientific American article, Tammy Ma claims Jupiters core is solid diamond. She claims her work with lasers has demonstrated this. Any thoughts?
  7. K

    How can O- and COO- act as an electron releasing group in a π system?

    Through resonance of the pi orbitals. Sometimes resonance is more important than electronegativity.
  8. K

    Does the Buchner funnel have a better alternative with less loss?

    Consider cost. Buchner and paper are cheap, sintered glass is expensive.
  9. K

    I Parity and Interactions: Misreading or Misunderstanding?

    Sir, thank you for that detailed answer. It clarified a couple of things for me. And your memory is correct, intrinsic parity for scalar operators.
  10. K

    I Parity and Interactions: Misreading or Misunderstanding?

    I read in Greiner Field Quantization that parity only has meaning in interactions. Did I misread or not understand something correctly?
  11. K

    Quantum The Philosophy of Quantum Physics by Cord Friebe

    Did you read it in German or English. I think the translation has some awkward usage that makes it difficult to follow in some places.
  12. K

    Quantum The Philosophy of Quantum Physics by Cord Friebe

    Summary: CordFriebe et al. Has anybody read this book? I am wading through this tome for the second time. Was wondering what others whom might have read it thought.