Recent content by Kevin McHugh

  1. Kevin McHugh

    Easy way to test for Fusel Alcohols in ethanols

    As an amateur zymergist and distiller, I can tell you there are a lot of variables leading to fusel oils in fermentation broths. Using starch/glucose gives the cleanest fermentations. Also you need to control the temp during fermentation. Too warm yield bad actors. Also, the type of yeast used...
  2. Kevin McHugh

    OK .... this is just "What The" weird

    When I was a kid in grade school, our teacher brought in a two headed snake her son bred. It was cool as heck.
  3. Kevin McHugh

    UV-Vis of zinc oxide nanoparticles

    PS: For good UV-Vis spectroscopy, the analyte must be dissolved in solution. Slurries do not give good results.
  4. Kevin McHugh

    UV-Vis of zinc oxide nanoparticles

    I expect your particles are scattering the wavelengths, you're not looking at absorption or transmission in the visible. Have you done PSD analysis on your sample? A particle size of 2λ will scatter a wavelength of λ.
  5. Kevin McHugh

    Satellite temperature data vs ground based data These graphs were published in an article I read on Yahoo. These are the differences I'm referring to. Not interested in politics, just what these differences mean.
  6. Kevin McHugh

    B Do black holes radiate antimatter?

    Thanks MFB. I probably need to read a good QFT book. Any recommendations?
  7. Kevin McHugh

    B Do black holes radiate antimatter?

    I must be deficient in my understanding of the negative energy solutions to the Dirac and KG equations. Do they not predict negative energy solutions?
  8. Kevin McHugh

    I Exploring Half Lives of Pions in Nuclei

    Thanks Gigaz. That helps a lot.
  9. Kevin McHugh

    Is Biomass Really Carbon Neutral?

    By that logic, coal which is derived from biomass should be carbon neutral too. The only difference a time lag in utilization. Apologies Russ, after further review I see you made the same point.
  10. Kevin McHugh

    I Exploring Half Lives of Pions in Nuclei

    TTT. Thanks for the reply Gigaz, but that doesn't really answer my questions.
  11. Kevin McHugh

    Satellite temperature data vs ground based data

    I've read in the popular media that there is a difference between the two. Is this true, and if so, why?
  12. Kevin McHugh

    Wax that never burns -- Is that possible?

    We compounded 70% ATH into polyethylene for fire break panels made by Alcoa for the construction industry (sandwiched between aluminum sheet). It is a very common flame retardant, but must be used at fairly high levels to be effective. It is cost effective and safe. Decabromodiphenyloxide is...
  13. Kevin McHugh

    I Exploring Half Lives of Pions in Nuclei

    Do they exist in nature, i.e. in high Z nuclei, or are they only created in scattering experiments? Are the half lives increased in bound states? Why do positive pions get trapped in the potential well as well as negative pions?
  14. Kevin McHugh

    A Deriving total energy in a Hydrogen molecule

    The hydrogen molecule is a 4 particle system. When I was a senior in QM, I wrote a program that solved for the energy H2 as a function of inter-nuclear separation. I used the Hartree Fock method to solve for the energy. There are a lot of integrals that must be evaluated, so I wrote a numerical...
  15. Kevin McHugh

    Exploring the Relationship between Concentration & Refractive Index

    RI detectors suck for HPLC work. They must be thermally isolated (column, tubing, solvent, etc.) in order to obtain decent results. RI is very sensitive to temp changes. Drifting baseline is a problem with temp fluctuations. The most widely used application for HPLC with RI is analysis of...