Recent content by katatosh

  1. katatosh

    Major in Physics or Physics/Astronomy for Grad School Cosmology?

    Hello all! I have been taking an academic break from school for certain mental health reasons that I won't waste your time talking about. Now, I am only a freshman in college. My school's physics department currently offers 2 majors: Physics and Physics/Astronomy. Obviously, I have lots of time...
  2. katatosh

    Look What Book My Parents Got Me

    I'm excited to re-read both! Even has colored diagrams.
  3. katatosh

    Managing Schizophrenia While Pursuing a Physics Degree: My Personal Experience

    << Mentor Note -- After a Mentor discussion we will try to let this thread proceed in the Academic Guidance forum >> Hi all! I was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was 17. It has put me behind at school because I had to drop out for 2 semesters to get my mental health back. I was just...
  4. katatosh

    Help finding sources for research paper

    Y Yep! already bought the book. I just need 19 more sources
  5. katatosh

    Help finding sources for research paper

    Hello all! I am a senior in high school with a love for physics. In English, we were assigned an argumentative research paper with a topic of our choice. So, naturally, I chose String Theory, since it is a semi controversial topic in theoretical physics today. My only problem is that I have a...
  6. katatosh

    Is On the Shoulders of Giants by Stephen Hawking Worth the Read?

    Has anyone read On the Shoulders of Giants by Stephen Hawking? I just bought it and was wondering if it is a good read.
  7. katatosh

    What Are the Career Options for Aspiring Physicists?

    I'm interested in quantum field theory and astrophysics. But honestly all of the areas in physics interest me!
  8. katatosh

    What Are the Career Options for Aspiring Physicists?

    Hello! I'm Nathan, a high school senior interested in a career in physics research. I'm looking forward to being an active member in this community.