Recent content by Kampret

  1. K

    Problem when calculating the center of mass of a triangle

    yes it just when i try both method it doesn't display same result so it leave me restless since i think both are valid equation but I'm not sure about the second since so far in problem lIke this is always give either mass of area just like what haruspex stated above . frankly it first time i...
  2. K

    Problem when calculating the center of mass of a triangle

    i don't say any type of triangle. if you open the link you will see it only ordinary triangle
  3. K

    Problem when calculating the center of mass of a triangle

    Homework Statement if the black dot is assumed by (0,0).find the center of mass coordinate of this triangle [/B] i'm sorry but since the pic won't show ill attach the link here <Moderator's note: picture added> Homework Equations centroid is 2/3 of median [/B] using...
  4. K

    Determine the final result after integration

    thanks, that was truly beautiful! . i guess keeping the variable as short as possible until the last equation really help to prevent confusion...
  5. K

    Determine the final result after integration

    Well, I've been try my best to solve that problem and i do not thought that i made mistake so I've been restless these few days wondering how solve this, and if the problem is really the one which wrong i am really glad iam worried over nothing , but if that value $$ x = \sqrt{vv0}t$$ value...
  6. K

    Determine the final result after integration

    i like to apologized, i do not intend to do such behaviour , i am also do not know that something wrong in this question and i can't prove the answer by myself so i tried brought my question here, what i typed here is exactly like written in the book. once again please forgive me
  7. K

    Determine the final result after integration

    thank you it's is really reassuring hearing it from you, in addition i want to ask about my final result (post number #12) and the process of it is written on post number #9 what do you think about it ? i've been restless these past few days thought about this problem since my math is not very good.
  8. K

    Determine the final result after integration

    i'm sorry if my question seems little foolish, is that mean $$-{4 \over k(kt + c_1)}$$ is equal to $$\sqrt{vv_0}$$ and $$2 \sqrt{v_0} \over kt + c_1$$ if yes would you mind to tell me how $$-{4 \over k(kt + c_1)}$$ turn into $$\sqrt{vv_0}$$ and $$2 \sqrt{v_0} \over kt + c_1$$ I'm trying to...
  9. K

    Determine the final result after integration

    after take a look at gneill's hint i realized that i made a mistake in the end before, i write like this : $$ x = \frac {-2} {k} v^{0,5} + \frac 2 k v^{0,5}$$ but it should be $$ x = \frac {-2} {k} v^{0,5} \frac {-2} k v^{0,5}$$ so it will turn into $$ \frac {xk} {-2} = \sqrt {vv0}$$ it seems...
  10. K

    Determine the final result after integration

    $$\frac {dv} {dt} = a$$ $$\frac {dv} {dt} = -kv^{1,5}$$ $$\frac {dv} {v^{1,5}} = -k {dt}$$ $$\ {v^{-1,5}}{dv} = -k {dt}$$ $$\int {v^{-1,5}}{dv} = - \int k{dt}$$ $$\frac {v^{-0,5}} {-0,5} = -{kt} + C$$ $$\ {-2} {v^{-0,5}} = -{kt} + C$$ Now for the initial condition when t=0 v=v0 $$\ {-2}...
  11. K

    Determine the final result after integration

    thanks , i will check it later
  12. K

    Determine the final result after integration

    I'm sorry for late reply and thank you for your help but any some part of your writing is misplace when it should be nominator it become denominator in yours , so I'm on my way construct it and once i finish i will post it here
  13. K

    Determine the final result after integration

    i'm truly sorry but i never use latex before, so I'm not sure from where i should start, and since it quite complicated i will try learn it from the basic on very near future
  14. K

    Determine the final result after integration

    Homework Statement acceleration of moving particle is described by a=-kv^1,5 where k is a constant. if the condition when t=0 is v=v0 and x=0 prove that xt = √(vv0).t Homework Equations dv/dt=a, dx/dt=v The Attempt at a Solution dv/dt=a dv/v^1,5=-k dt v^-1,5 dv = -k dt ← integrating both...
  15. K

    Differential equation for the acceleration of an oscillating particle

    ok, so what should i do to integrating v so far i only faced problem like this √(h²-x²)dx where h is constant so i can turn x into sin and dx into cos. but this just worked because there is both x and dx in that equation but here i encounter like what ray's wrote v=√(c²-1/9x²) so for the...