Recent content by kaloyan

  1. kaloyan

    Kinetic energy of a ball rolling down a ramp

    Consider the situation in the attached photo. The kinetic energy in A is 10 J, in B is 30 J. What is the kinetic energy in C? Using that the mechanical energy is the sum of potential energy ##(E_p=mgh)## and kinetic energy ##(E_k=\dfrac{mv^2}{2})##, we get that the mechanical energies in...
  2. kaloyan

    Find this angle given the triangle's Orthocenter

    I'm 8th grade - I do not know Trigonometry.
  3. kaloyan

    Find this angle given the triangle's Orthocenter

    ##AD## is diameter, thus ##\angle ACD = \angle ABD = 90^\circ##. Also ##HBDC## is a parallelogram because ##HC||BD, HB||CD##. It seems useless and I don't know how to continue. Thank you in advance!