Recent content by julcab12

  1. julcab12

    I What did Heisenberg know about the measurement problem?

    They can't somehow get away of the observer effect in QM. It has shown that even observing the results after the photon is produced leads to collapsing the wave function and loading a back-history as shown by delayed choice quantum eraser. Furthermore, Here is recent update on Updated...
  2. julcab12

    I On the relation between physics and philosophy

    Well. The main philosophy of Einstien still lives and envisioned today by the likes of Ashtekar, Baez, Barrau, Rovelli etc.
  3. julcab12

    I On the relation between physics and philosophy

    If science is the refined version of philosophy. Are we missing something in Philosophy that scientific criteria no longer Scientific method and basis is enough to go around the next step. In any problem you need to have solid basis. Science is a refined version of philosophy no more no less.
  4. julcab12

    I On the relation between physics and philosophy

    Academic philosophers are no longer the guys who offers insight in the fields of experimental physics and astrophysics nowadays. But its not for anyone to decide whether it is useful in discoveries of science. Or such discoveries are mere coincidence, accident of thoughts or product of some...
  5. julcab12

    B Absolute Time, I know its wrong and all but tell me if I got it right

    That is exactly the reason why he came up with relational aspect of physics and such. He describes the relative evolution of physical variables rather than their evolution in time like the usual. "There isn’t a single notion of time that is either true or false. What we call time is a rich...
  6. julcab12

    B Absolute Time, I know its wrong and all but tell me if I got it right

    According to this guy. No 2 clocks are the same. "Time is nothing more than motion and the motion of all matter in the universe is affected by the environment. We do not have devices that measure time. Do you think your watch “measures time”? Think hard. Got it? You are right, it does not...
  7. julcab12

    I On the relation between physics and philosophy

    I say, philosophy is the ingredients capable of making a good or bad dish, something that works or not. Some Physicist just wanted leftovers nowadays. Just like having a great turkey the other day and now I'm making a sandwich out of it. I need a new good dish out from those ingredients.^^
  8. julcab12

    Authorities in Science: High Reputation Journals and Books

    I remember this thread: Among selected interpretation which one holds more merit now?
  9. julcab12

    Authorities in Science: High Reputation Journals and Books

    Science doesn't care any of it anyways. I just love reading scientific ideas mostly theoretical if it has any scientific validation, countless experimentation etc the better. The Author comes next. I only checked authors as reference and out of curiousity. You can validate through his work, not...
  10. julcab12

    B A Question about space and the multiverse

    We need to consider first that Multiverse are somewhere between the lines of conjecture and hypothesis. Second. We need to established some literature of what he meant by Level 1. "...Observationally, the lower bound has grown dramatically with no indication of an upper bound. We all accept...
  11. julcab12

    I Why randomness means incomplete understanding

    Randonmess is an artifact of measurables. Its not to say it didnt exist for lack of a better word. It is effective in its domain-- dynamics/relation-- average outcome. Like how flatspace is treated in geometry--GR. TI accounts for both. I bare lack of confidence in the unmaleability/universality...
  12. julcab12

    I Wave-particle duality revisited: Neither wave nor particle

    Not of all QED but a strong case on the nonclassical part(Full QED)--(photon) counting statistics, fundamental/quantum limited noise, Reduced quantum uncertainty or experiments specifically looking at the physics of nonclassical light. Although the semiclassical version works very well--classic...
  13. julcab12

    A Is quantum theory a microscopic theory?

    "..Erwin Schrödinger proposed that the stuff that makes up electrons might be smeared out in space and that this smeared electron essence might be what waves. If this idea was correct then we would expect to find all of the electron’s properties, spread out over a distance, but we never do...
  14. julcab12

    A Is quantum theory a microscopic theory?

    Its not a matter of acceptance. Even macroworld, Before the realization of gravitational lensing effect. People though of twin/identical galaxies and stars when in fact it is a distortion of single image. This is an example of incomplete knowledge...
  15. julcab12

    A Is quantum theory a microscopic theory?

    Of course a photon is a photon. For instance, QFT - 'thing' from the mode expansion of free fields, free relativistic field that fulfills the Klein-Gordon equation, a Fourier transform. The word Quantum--Photon in quantum theory-- colloquial and technical. My point is that, there is no...