Recent content by jti3066

  1. J

    Right Hand Rule for Lenz's Law: Examples & Solutions

    Homework Statement I am having trouble understanding right hand rule for Lenz's Law. I need to know how to use the right hand rule with lenz'z law to find the dircection of induced current. What if a current is flowing clockwise, with mag. field going into page, is the magnetic field...
  2. J

    Solve Current Divider Rule for Resistor Currents w/ R & i this correct? i_1 = i_0(R_2 + R_3/R_total) i_2 = i_0(R_3/R_total) i_3 = i_0(0/R_total) = 0 because there are no resistor to the right of R_3
  3. J

    Solve Current Divider Rule for Resistor Currents w/ R & i

    Homework Statement Three resistors with resistance 4 ohms, 2 ohms, and R are connected in parallel. There is a total current i through the network. Find the current through each resistor in terms of R and i. Ignore the 4 ohms and 2 ohms for now I just need help with the CDR...
  4. J

    Calculate (mu_s-mu_k)

    Ok...why is u_s= m_2/m_1
  5. J

    Calculate (mu_s-mu_k)

    I'm studying for my final and I'm having trouble solving this as is my work: T_1 - u_s(m_1)g = m_1(a) = 0 (This equals zero because a = 0 when static) T_2 = m_2(g) T_1 = T_2 so m_2(g) - u_s(m_1)g = 0 and static friction is: f_s = u_s(m_?)(g) I'm not given the...
  6. J

    Blocks on a Pulley: Friction & Acceleration

    B) T_1 - um_1g = m_1a m_2g - T_2 = m_2a a = [(m_2g - um_1g)]/(m_1+m_2)
  7. J

    Blocks on a Pulley: Friction & Acceleration

    Ok i give up...what would be the proper equation and why...Please
  8. J

    Position as a function of time

    thanks for your help p21bass... Would someone mind chech the answers in post 8 please...TIA
  9. J

    Blocks on a Pulley: Friction & Acceleration

    B) a = [m_2(g) - um_1(g)]/(m_1 - m_2)
  10. J

    Solving for Distance and Minimum Coefficient of Friction

    B) f_s >= umgcos() .. f_s >= 0.35(3.2)(9.81)cos(23) = 10.11
  11. J

    Solving for Distance and Minimum Coefficient of Friction

    A) I solved for a and got: a = -6.99 0 - (5^2) = 2(-6.99)(x_f) x_f = 1.788 m B) f_s >= mgsin() + umgcos()
  12. J

    Blocks on a Pulley: Friction & Acceleration

    and then... a = u(m_1)g/(m_2 - m_1)
  13. J

    Solving for Distance and Minimum Coefficient of Friction

    Ok...(-g) a = gsin() + ugcos()
  14. J

    Position as a function of time

    Is O m/s correct for part C... Part D: I know how the ball travels through the air but I am having trouble relating the info to the equation... x_f = 0 + (6)(1.63) + .5(-9.81)(1.63^2) what about know...if not please give me the correct input please