Recent content by JoshMaths

  1. J

    Understanding R Squared Regression for Josh

    Sorry about that. Didn't come up in the test so I am all good.
  2. J

    Understanding R Squared Regression for Josh I know the components of R2 as in ESS, TSS, RSS. I know cov(x,y) = [\sum(yi - ybar)(xi - xbar)]/n-1 But that's as far as I can go, I have come across lowercase r yet or the sample correlation and proofing how they all fit is a bit beyond...
  3. J

    Optimisation Lagrangian Problem

  4. J

    Optimisation Lagrangian Problem

    No this is not homework. Ok i am struggling to even start this question. I see it has a constraint so i would be tempted to use Lagrangian but from there i don't see how px and qy fit into it? Some assistance on the tools needed to...
  5. J

    The Algebra for Theory of Natural Output

    Thanks for your help, i'll try and post more relevant questions next time.
  6. J

    The Algebra for Theory of Natural Output

    Nearly all my Economics questions have gone unanswered, if i am missing something huge in terms of my poor question asking please let me know.
  7. J

    Real-World question i can't get my head around.

    Thanks, one constraint i might have forgot to mention is that all the pages must be vertical so you can read them.
  8. J

    Real-World question i can't get my head around.

    I am going to feel silly when you guys give me the answer in 2 seconds but here we go. Imagine there are 16 rectangular pieces of paper with length 2 and width 1. You want to organise them in a big square or make them fit the smallest area possible. How many columns do you have and how...
  9. J

    Anyone know a good forum for Economics?

    Yeah it was hard to found but i have found one now ;) This place is still awesome for maths questions though.
  10. J

    Two-Variable Optimisation Confusion

    Ah so for fy(x,y) = 0 the solutions would be (0,y) and (x,2) as you can have any value for x and y for respective values that make the partial derivative zero? Thanks for your help.
  11. J

    The Algebra for Theory of Natural Output

    Nope, incorrect assumption :) The notes i am provided from the lecture have made this leap themselves. Would you like a picture of the notes?
  12. J

    The Algebra for Theory of Natural Output

    When deriving the natural level of output i am confused as to how the leap is made in the last two lines. P = P(1+μ)F(1-Y/L,z) => 1 = (1+μ)F(1-Y/L,z) => Yn = h(μ,L,z) I understand how the mark-up, Total Labour and variable factors are the factors of the natural level but how does...
  13. J

    Optimal provision for a Public Good

    Hi D H thanks for the reply, i am sure you have helped me in the past, i remember the name. I assumed that since it was in the Economics section people would be familiar with utility functions and the like, same way when you see an integral or power series you know it without someone having to...
  14. J

    Optimal provision for a Public Good

    Wow, viewed nearly 500 times and no answers or help? Maybe this is why we need an Economics forum...
  15. J

    Two-Variable Optimisation Confusion

    Hi, So f(x,y) = xe-x(y2 - 4y) Find all stationary points and classify them i got for fx(x,y) s.p (1,4),(1,0) for fy (x,y) s.p (0,2) I thought that you don't need double differentials at this stage and if it is a s.p it must satisfy for fx(x0,y0) = 0 for fy (x0,y0) = 0 which...