Recent content by JordanPolla

  1. J

    I Can something be caused and be ontologically random?

    Or does ontological probability exist? I was reading an article that came up in my google searches ( ) ignore the free will philosophy stuff. But the author makes the claim that ontological probability simply does not...
  2. J

    A Does the Frauchiger-Renner Theorem prove only MWI is correct

    Nice, thanks for the quick replies. Off topic question and prob my final post, but what interpretation do you personally prefer, I know they are all experimentally the same, but do you have a personal preference or one your intuition tells you might be more correct?
  3. J

    A Does the Frauchiger-Renner Theorem prove only MWI is correct

    So from what I can gather with my introductory understanding of QM, the paper makes an unfounded assumption about new measurements deleting information about the outcomes of previous measurements, and something about Hardy's Paradox that my understanding and math is not quite to par to understand?
  4. J

    A Does the Frauchiger-Renner Theorem prove only MWI is correct

    Hello all, I have only seen this paper brought up here once before based on the search function 2 years ago, and the thread devolved into something off topic within the first page. I am asking in reference to this paper: Which claims to show that single...