Recent content by Johninch

  1. J

    Can the Beech Marten use Magnetoreception to Return Home?

    Excellent tip, thanks! It seems that this is an approved insulating method for roofs and walls in several countries. I would have to use it to seal the complete roof, which I am not qualified to do, so I will look for a contractor. I assume he will first have to remove all the tiles, so it will...
  2. J

    Can the Beech Marten use Magnetoreception to Return Home?

    Yeah, and not only mice, Martens as well. Amazing that builders and roofers who live and work in the country don't seem to know these these things. Total incompetence that my roofer didn't give me access. Then he came afterwards and charged me for covering up a few holes he had left which I...
  3. J

    Can the Beech Marten use Magnetoreception to Return Home?

    I agree that trapping and relocation is not a long term solution against animals which have a preference for living in roof spaces. My problem is compounded by the fact that I have no access to the interior of my roof as it is completely sealed, or so I thought. Apart from Martens I also have a...
  4. J

    Can the Beech Marten use Magnetoreception to Return Home?

    Here is a study, but I don't have the full text. It does not say whether the maze was openair. This extract suggests to me that most cats do not use magnetoreception. There are a lot of anecdotal stories about long-distance cats (and other animals such as dogs), but it seems that most returning...
  5. J

    Can the Beech Marten use Magnetoreception to Return Home?

    The 10 miles interests me. How did you decide this? How do you know it is far enough? What is your source? I am not familiar with problems associated with raccoons, but I think that they are nice animals and should be relocated if possible.
  6. J

    Can the Beech Marten use Magnetoreception to Return Home?

    Thanks for the interesting article. It’s mainly about birds, which are mobile over a large area, can look down from a great height and can use airstreams to identify the source of odours. Land animals do not have these advantages. The article draws me to the conclusion that in the case of my...
  7. J

    Can the Beech Marten use Magnetoreception to Return Home?

    I have been reading about the theory of magnetoreception which may partially explain the homing ability of pigeons. Many studies are inconclusive, so I am wondering if I can extend this theory to other animals, specifically to the Beech Marten (aka Stone or House Marten, Martes foina). This...
  8. J

    News "Women's March" around the world

    Well you have a family too, so what was his point? Unjustified discrimination can hold a company back and as an investor I am appalled at such a management attitude. Could it be that the other employee is overpaid? Huge inequalities of pay exist on the topside. In Europe we have massive...
  9. J

    IQ Distribution Curve: Is Advanced Intelligence Limited By Drift?

    So what do you think is the result in the world IQ distribution curve? Could it develop into a top-left declining to bottom-right curve with a shift of the mean to the left, instead of a bell? My interest in this thread is not to speculate, but to understand how evolution works in practice using...
  10. J

    IQ Distribution Curve: Is Advanced Intelligence Limited By Drift?

    I am using IQ as a proxy for general intelligence. There's no other way to do it, is there. I'm assuming that the general environment and intelligence level of African kids is on catchup, but Western intelligence levels have to increase too, don't they. So I'm wondering what evolution is likely...
  11. J

    IQ Distribution Curve: Is Advanced Intelligence Limited By Drift?

    I assume you mean that more kids in a family reduces nutrition and other disadvantages. I called this environment. So do you agree that we only have two factors - genetic and environment, and that the genetic difference is negligible?
  12. J

    IQ Distribution Curve: Is Advanced Intelligence Limited By Drift?

    Thanks for the link to the criticisms. I am not particularly interested in the book and I only mentioned it as a reference, as required in this forum, so that I could use the figures of 70 for average sub-Saharan Africa and 90 for world average IQ. Do you know of another source where I could get...
  13. J

    IQ Distribution Curve: Is Advanced Intelligence Limited By Drift?

    What does the distribution curve of IQ in the world population look like? If the average IQ for all countries is 90 (Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen “IQ and the Wealth of Nations”), with an average IQ for sub-Saharan Africans of 70, I suppose that the distribution curve is higher on the downside...
  14. J

    B Can we identify the centre of the Universe?

    Just forget about the raisin-bread, which has a boundary. The Universe is everything, without a boundary, and the main constituent parts are seen to be moving away from each other with increasing velocity. In the beginning they were compactly close together, without any space between, but...
  15. J

    B Can we identify the centre of the Universe?

    How can dark energy remain at the same density when the space between the (super) clusters is increasing? I can think of three reasons: Dark energy is increasing in volume terms. Dark energy is decreasing, which takes up more space because it is negative. Emptiness is increasing. Which do...