Recent content by john taylor

  1. J

    I Maximum violation of Bell's Inequalities?

    For CHSH how large is the violation given by Tsirelson's bound? So by what margin would it theoretically be larger than 2 according to this bound?
  2. J

    I Maximum violation of Bell's Inequalities?

    So is 2.42 the maximum level of violation ?
  3. J

    I Maximum violation of Bell's Inequalities?

    I mean it in the sense that as many loopholes are closed as possible.
  4. J

    I Maximum violation of Bell's Inequalities?

    Can someone please tell me(and in simple terms-like in percentages), what the maximal violations of Bell's inequality has been recorded at in actual experiments and in an ideal scenario? Thank you.
  5. J

    I Would this experiment disprove that consciousness causes collapse?

    A double slit experiment, is taking place. There are detectors, placed inside both of the slits. On the first run if a particle travels through one of the slits, the detector registers, that it has detected a particle, but doesn't specify which slit it has traveled through(to the conscious...
  6. J

    I Can Brain Responses to Quantum Signals Determine True Quantum Interpretation?

    Is it possible to solve the problem of which quantum mechanical interpretation is true, by sending the brain super imposed quantum mechanical signals. The individuals, perception of the signals, could identify which interpretation is correct. Could, an experiment of some sort be formulated with...
  7. J

    I Detecting Interference Patterns with Large Objects: The Double Slit Experiment

    what would it take to replicate the double slit experiment with larger objects such as microorganisms?
  8. J

    I Detecting Interference Patterns with Large Objects: The Double Slit Experiment

    Why is it so difficult to detect interference patterns with larger objects in the double slit experiment(e.g. bacteria)?
  9. J

    I Quantum Suicide: Exploring Copenhagen & Many Worlds Interpretations

    Is it possible to modify the original quantum suicide experiment in a way in which rather than dying you are put to sleep for someone to distinguish between many worlds and Copenhagen interpretations?
  10. J

    I Retro-causality thought experiment

    So do I but its a thought experiment to highlight the absurdities with some of the ideas being proposed in quantum mechanics.
  11. J

    I Retro-causality thought experiment

    It has been mostly substantiated by virtue of experiments such as wheelers delayed choice quantum eraser experiment that we are able to retroactively impact past events of particles. However could this apply to the universe. When physicists are carrying out experiments today, which are creating...
  12. J

    I Can Cosmic Rays Be Economically Used in Particle Accelerators?

    I don’t this is not developed i was just wondering if it was conceptually a good idea
  13. J

    I Can Cosmic Rays Be Economically Used in Particle Accelerators?

    would it be a more economical idea to accelerate cosmic rays from the atmosphere which are already traveling at 43 percent of speed of light as particles in a particle accelerator. Do you think that this would be more economical in principle or that you could achieve higher collision speeds?
  14. J

    I Would this experiment prove or disprove quantum randomness?

    Well do you reckon this experiment could be modified into an experiment which works?