Recent content by JFGariepy

  1. J

    A Is this product always greater than these sums?

    Definitely, the illustration of the case of 4 is simply because I have a hard time expressing it in general terms but yes, the system grows with n and I certainly do not limit the question to 4 lines. The question I ask is whether or not SumsData(i) will remain below 1 at all times as i goes to...
  2. J

    A Is this product always greater than these sums?

    I'm attaching here the Matlab code used to generate the previous figure in case someone wants to reproduce the empirical algorithm. It's currently going very slow because I use the function nchoosek, there is probably much faster available. n = 87; SumsData = []; PrimesOriginal = 5:n...
  3. J

    A Is this product always greater than these sums?

    So I've used your approach empirically (that is, divide all lines by all primes in the set) and I have moved the "1" that resulted to the left side of the equation so we have: 1 > 1/P1 + 1/P2 + 1/P3 ... - 2/(P1P2) - 2/(P1P3) ... + 2/(P1P2P3) ... - 2/(P1P2P3P4) ... and I just wanted to show you...
  4. J

    A Is this product always greater than these sums?

    Brilliant! You are so much better than me it is both helpful and shameful at the same time. This means I have to reformulate my statement of the problem. I'm quite convinced that what I'm after is true, but I haven't been completely honest in my original post. For your curiosity, and if you are...
  5. J

    A Is this product always greater than these sums?

    I have checked and indeed 109 is the prime at which the 1 > ... inequality is violated. Thank you very much for pointing that out, I guess I now have to go back to the workbench and see what reformulation I could find and what kind of boundaries I would put on m and n.
  6. J

    A Is this product always greater than these sums?

    You're totally right, I mean 1 < m . In the case where the statement is false, I'm interested in identifying for which m and n it would be true.
  7. J

    A Is this product always greater than these sums?

    The line "Due to Bertrand's postulate, note that any PGi < Pi" should have read: Due to Bertrand's postulate, note that any PGi < Pi-1
  8. J

    A Is this product always greater than these sums?

    I've been working on a problem for a couple of days now and I wanted to see if anyone here had an idea whether this was already proven or where I could find some guidance. I feel this problem is connected to the multinomial theorem but the multinomial theorem is not really what I need . Perhaps...
  9. J

    Can 4 distinct prime numbers be related in such a way?

    Hum well the fact that 3 5 are the smallest primes to start with and that the other primes have to be at least double of 3 and 5 guarantees that this is the smallest pair. As for the understanding, I think I do understand that this is the set of primes where the difference between the 1st and...
  10. J

    Can 4 distinct prime numbers be related in such a way?

    I tried a couple and can't find the example. You found some without using 2, which isn't odd ? 3*(13 - 1),5*(11-1) 5*(17 - 1),7*(11-1) 5*(17 - 1),7*(13-1) 3*(17 - 1),7*(13-1) 3*(17 - 1),5*(13-1) 3*(23 - 1),5*(13-1) 3*(29 - 1),5*(19-1) and many other all gave me inequalities, although I'd love...
  11. J

    Can 4 distinct prime numbers be related in such a way?

    Thank you very much for helping me like that I really appreciate. Not being a mathematician, here's what I could come up with, tell me if that makes sense. From your equation and from knowing that z-1 is even and has prime factor x, and that y-1 is even and has prime factor w, I get...
  12. J

    Can 4 distinct prime numbers be related in such a way?

    Interesting. I also would add the following conditions: Since the equality Px(Py-1) = Pw(Pz-1) needs to reflect 1 integer that has a unique prime factorization, (Py-1) is an even number with prime factor Pw and (Pz-1) is an even number with prime factor Px. Still struggle to get to...
  13. J

    Can 4 distinct prime numbers be related in such a way?

    Hi everyone, I've been bumping on this problem for a while and wondered if any of you had any clue on how to approach it. My question is whether the following equality is possible for 4 distinct prime numbers : PxPy + Pw = PwPz + Px where Px, Py, Pw, Pz are odd prime numbers, and each...
  14. J

    Some ideas concerning the Goldbach conjecture

    Here's a supplement figure, to show a more generalized idea of what I did in Figure 4, at least for when N/2 is odd. Basically, is there any series of odd numbers from 1 to N/2 that would produce what we see on this graph (black dots intersecting the rational curves of the square of the odd at...
  15. J

    Some ideas concerning the Goldbach conjecture

    Video illustration Hello, Me and a friend, David Barrack, are non-mathematicians but we've been having fun lately with the Goldbach conjecture. I thought I'd share some of our tools with you guys, some of you might be interested in helping us to progress on this problem - that would be greatly...