Recent content by Jesse44

  1. Jesse44

    Danger of touching a broken fluorescent bulb?

    I was disposing of some old CFLs at IKEA this morning. They have a few bins there for safe disposals. I am already insanely paranoid of breaking CFLs in the first place, so I took great caution placing mine gently into the bins. I spent a few minutes making the pile secure so they wouldn't fall...
  2. Jesse44

    Black Lights and plain CFL and Cancer?

    Another thing I am trying to make sense of is this statement: "Since black light, for the most part, is not visible, it is very difficult to gauge its intensity. According to a study conducted by the International Radiation Protection Association, the limit for exposure to an ultraviolet wave...
  3. Jesse44

    Black Lights and plain CFL and Cancer?

    I know Wikipedia isn't the best source of information always, but it says that some of the escaping light falls under UVB. "Although black lights produce light in the UV range, their spectrum is mostly confined to the longwave UVA region, that is, UV radiation nearest in wavelength to visible...
  4. Jesse44

    Black Lights and plain CFL and Cancer?

    Hello, so I have just learned that CFL bulbs fall into the category of producing UV light, including perhaps some UVB in the case of black lights. I have had a black light bulb and a blue CFL running in my bedroom for almost two years now. I often fall asleep with the lights on, sometimes nude...