Recent content by jeff davis

  1. J

    Induction Heater Design: Resources & Tips from Jeff

    Hello; I am trying to come up with an induction heater design for a machine that i am working on and am having some trouble planning it out. Anybody have some good resources? I have scoured Google and there are tons on there. I am a bit unsure how to get started. I have an induction heater...
  2. J

    Does Hanging Weight Affect PSI in a Rope?

    Probably very little; but is it just a blanket assumption? How can someone sell a "calibrated" test weight with lbs as its unit? I suppose this is a misstatement and is actually a test mass?
  3. J

    Does Hanging Weight Affect PSI in a Rope?

    Thanks I understand that concept better now. When we would refer to a "lb" needing to break something; would this pound be assuming the local acceleration due to gravity? (32.2 ft/sec^2)? Would this be the reason lbm and lbf are specified when needing to be technical? I am also a bit curious...
  4. J

    Does Hanging Weight Affect PSI in a Rope?

    so $$1lbf = Xlbm \frac{(32.2 ft/sec^2)} {32.2(ft/sec^2)(lbm/lbf)}$$ Then say we were on venus g = (29ft/sec^2) $$1lbf = Xlbm \frac {(29ft/sec^2)} {32.2(ft/sec^2)(lbm/lbf)}$$ goes to $$1lbf = Xlbm \frac{.901}{(lbm/lbf)}$$ goes to $$\frac{1lbf(lbm/lbf)} {.901}=Xlbm$$ goes to $$1.110(lbm) =...
  5. J

    Does Hanging Weight Affect PSI in a Rope?

    Thank you Very Much. This question arose from some questions i had regarding pull testing a product. A tube connected to a plastic molded hub to be more specific. Someone proposed that the pull force should be 1lb minimum. This had me second guessing myself on a few fundamentals that i had...
  6. J

    Does Hanging Weight Affect PSI in a Rope?

    ok i thought a lb took gravity into account
  7. J

    Does Hanging Weight Affect PSI in a Rope?

    “Sometimes X is not true.” Source so a mass is not hanging from a rope giving me a weight?
  8. J

    Does Hanging Weight Affect PSI in a Rope?

    Hello; I have a quick question that has me thinking. Please note that i don't much like working with imperial units because there is one too many polysemous words. Say i had a 1 lb weight hanging on a 1in diameter rope. (rope weight neglected) 1. Could you say that at any perpendicular cross...
  9. J

    I How Are Heavy Elements Distributed?

    "a star made out of predominantly gold would not exist. " by 256Bits Why is this?
  10. J

    I How Are Heavy Elements Distributed?

    "Weathering of mountains over eons." by 256Bits Ahh. This is a painfully obvious answer. Thank you
  11. J

    I How Are Heavy Elements Distributed?

    Hello, I was just pondering how certain heavy elements group together in the new bodies that they form. Ex. that got me thinking: So gold would have been created one way thru a supernova right? Say this supernova spread some gold dust all over the cosmos. 1. Why whenever a body such as...
  12. J

    Best place to find bulk old mixed up electronics components

    Boom... Grab bag. That's the term i was after. Thanks!
  13. J

    Best place to find bulk old mixed up electronics components

    Hello, Anybody have any good sources of mixed up old electrical components? For example: an old drawer full of mixed up resistors and capacitors; wax caps and jumbled up stuff? I have a HUGE jar that I am trying to fill up with this type of thing for my lab and was just wondering if anybody...
  14. J

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    What do you call a cow with only two legs? Lean Beef