Recent content by Jason K

  1. Jason K

    Writing: Input Wanted Submerged Structures in an Ocean World

    In its core my question is a mechanics problem. The ocean flows are the external velocity field that acts on this object, causing it to move. It seems that aquaplanets will have a banded structure - but there will be turbulent flows near the boundaries and they will have unexpected effects. The...
  2. Jason K

    Writing: Input Wanted Submerged Structures in an Ocean World

    Yes, I was editing that sentence and forgot to complete it before posting. The point is that there are organised flows on top of overall rotations. Yes. I still don't believe they should be called "solar" tides if the star in question is not the Sun. I was talking about the number of...
  3. Jason K

    Writing: Input Wanted Submerged Structures in an Ocean World

    Yes, the motions are desirable for the denizens. But it can only work if they are somewhat predictable! I would think that an object like, say, a ring would not move freely, since if any part would get too close to the surface then there would be a tendency for that part to sink again, even if...
  4. Jason K

    Writing: Input Wanted Submerged Structures in an Ocean World

    Thanks all for your inputs! I appreciate all of it. I do think that it must be possible to calculate something about the dynamics of this system, but I'm not sure how exactly to develop a good model. I'm interested in the motion of a free ring or other object. I essentially want to see if...
  5. Jason K

    Writing: Input Wanted Submerged Structures in an Ocean World

    Yes, I am assuming that it would not be attached to the seabed and it would be constructed with an initial rotation - but would it maintain it? Would it also interact with tides? If the axis of its orientation was at an angle compared to the axis of rotation of the planet would it tumble?
  6. Jason K

    Writing: Input Wanted Submerged Structures in an Ocean World

    Suppose that there exists a rotating water planet, i.e. a planet with a fairly deep ocean, which contains a large structure of a particular geometry submerged within the ocean. If this structure was assembled within the ocean will it, once it reaches a steady state, rotate at the same rate as...
  7. Jason K

    What topics does a biophysicist explore in physics, math, and chemistry?

    Hello everyone! My name is Jason, I am a biophysicist by training and I have a general interest in many areas of physics and maths as well as chemistry. I look forward to lots of interesting discussions to be had here. If you would like to ask me anything then feel free to do so! J