Recent content by intrepid_nerd

  1. I

    Proving the Integer Rectangle Property: A Geometric Puzzle

    that worked well when set to zero; then only when there was a side of integer length would the equation be satisfied. What beauty!
  2. I

    Gauss' Theorem for gravitational force

    you pointed out in your derivation what r was equal to but did not use it when you were taking the partial I think.
  3. I

    Proving the Integer Rectangle Property: A Geometric Puzzle

    I've never tried integrating imaginary numbers so i can't really follow that function but I'm guessing that the function plots as a non-smooth curve. I've got some reading to do to try and figure this out. Thanks for the new perspective though, I'm intrigued.
  4. I

    Proving the Integer Rectangle Property: A Geometric Puzzle

    Not homework but this is probably the best suited place for a puzzle: A large rectangle in the plane is partitioned into smaller rectangles, each of which has either integer height or integer width (or both). Prove that the large rectangle also has this property. I've given this several...
  5. I

    Delta function & kronecker delta

    \deltaij constitutes the identity matrix when: (\deltaij)i,jn [that's NOT j to the n]
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    YOU: Fix the US Energy Crisis

    problem: source of power solution: modify technology so no conventional electricity is necessary. there is no reason that we should be using electrons flowing through wires to power our electronics, it's like selling a product through a middle-man, making the system inefficient and costly...
  7. I

    Schools Will Extracurriculars Alone Impact My Chances for a PhD Program at Rutgers?

    exactly...started a couple programs, participated in sports and clubs, and have 2 jobs.
  8. I

    Explaining E=mc^2: What Does It Mean Physically?

    check -- obviously I'm a noob, thanks for the guidance.
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    Schools Will Extracurriculars Alone Impact My Chances for a PhD Program at Rutgers?

    I'm studying chemistry (physics concentration) and a math minor. sorry I didn't make that clear - yes, I was referring to research experience.
  10. I

    Help Solving Integral Limit: x to 1

    integrate via parts and keep track of your signs
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    Schools Will Extracurriculars Alone Impact My Chances for a PhD Program at Rutgers?

    I am at Rutgers in New Jersey. My grades are good, my extracurriculars are good but I have no real field experience and probably won't have anything before I graduate. Will this severely hurt my chances in being accepted into a pHD program? Is it recommended to drop other extracurriculars and...
  12. I

    Explaining E=mc^2: What Does It Mean Physically?

    SR? string... relativity? do you mean GR? just started this week reading about GR so don't know anything about it, chemistry is what i know.
  13. I

    Explaining E=mc^2: What Does It Mean Physically?

    somewhere in quantum chromodynamics they're finding that gluons are the source of least that's what i got out of an article last month, can't say i understood much in it.
  14. I

    Explaining E=mc^2: What Does It Mean Physically?

    E \neq mc2 E = (mc2) / \sqrt{}1-q2/c2) q = velocity [q is what Einstein originally used] the denominator is meant to account for, obviously, velocity, it's a calibration. so, as an object's velocity reaches the speed of light, the root of the calibration decreases and E increases, as far...
  15. I

    Linear independence and orthogonaliy

    yes. i believe any method you use (eigenspace, nullspace, etc) to find a set that spans T will be mutually orthogonal. i'd probably guess that the basis spanning T would be orthogonal to the basis spanning A as well.