Recent content by Immersion

  1. Immersion

    Physics Better MSc. option to be Data scientist if I'm Physicist?

    Hi everybody, I have a bachelor degree in physics and I want to be Data Scientist, I have good programming skills and background in mathematical statistics, so, between options that I have found of MSc. are applied mathematics, applied statistics, statistics, applied physics, computer science...
  2. Immersion

    Opinions about of experimental physics and its branches

    Good morning, I request the guide of Physicists with experience in the experimental physics. I'm in my fifth year of bachelor in physics, because in my country (Colombia), most Bachelor degrees have a duration of five years. My plans are to perform a master's degree next year, and then continue...
  3. Immersion

    Programing language for quantum mechanics, optics or plasma.

    Hi, I'm student of physics, i want to specialize in the areas of optics, quantum mechanics or plasma, but i want give an approach computational physics, therefore, my question is, which programing language is advisable for these areas of physics?. The options that most i read were fortran, C...
  4. Immersion

    Definite Integral: Limit of a Summation

    Homework Statement Hi guys, i have a exercise of the limit of a summation that is the formal definition of definite integral and i need resolve and explain, but i can't resolve for the rational exponent, for this, need help, thanks in advance. Homework Equations \lim_{n \rightarrow...