Recent content by ImMaybeBrian

  1. ImMaybeBrian

    What are some good physics puns and jokes?

    Hey guys, I'm an undergrad physics student but fell in love with the Universe at a young age. I like things that I don't understand and things I do understand. If you know any good physics puns/jokes, I'll gladly add them to my notepad. ..
  2. ImMaybeBrian

    B Potential Impacts of Helium-3 Mining on the Moon and Human Health

    Yea, because humans are planning to 'modify' the Moon, I speculate if there would be any negative affects on the Moon.
  3. ImMaybeBrian

    B Potential Impacts of Helium-3 Mining on the Moon and Human Health

    Does anyone have an idea if it'll affect the moon in some way? I always keep in mind how people used to think cigarettes were fine until we actually understood it more.
  4. ImMaybeBrian

    B Potential Impacts of Helium-3 Mining on the Moon and Human Health

    There's been talk about extracting Helium-3 from the Moon as a source of nuclear fusion energy because of it's efficiency and nonradioactive-ness--but I haven't seen anyone talk about any kind of side effects it could have either on the Moon itself, to people, etc. I understand because of it's...