Recent content by ihaveabutt

  1. I

    Is an ionic compound the same as a molecule?

    I wasn't trying to abuse the formatting I just wanted it to stand out from the text in the screenshots (especially the first) so it would be more easily distinguishable, appear more organized, and easier to read. I think that is the purpose of using bold formatting; to draw attention to specific...
  2. I

    Is an ionic compound the same as a molecule?

    A little clarification on the two... Would you agree with the text of the following two screenshots? (I highlighted the relevant parts in red) Most important is, screenshot 1 so please address it first: But also curious is, screenshot 2: Are these accurate? Would something...
  3. I

    Is the following molecule capable of making hydrogen bonds

    With the oxygens all double bonded to the carbons where would the hydrogen bond to?
  4. I

    Is support force a true force ? it seems incompatibe with F=ma

    To clarify, I was talking about inertial centrifugal force obviously. Back to the topic... Assuming the supportive force is true (whether or not it is?) then what is the net force acting on the two items (the box and the table)? An above post says it is zero net force. That's what I...
  5. I

    Is support force a true force ? it seems incompatibe with F=ma

    Is "support force" a "true force"? it seems incompatibe with F=ma For example if a box is sitting on a table, not moving, it is said that the table exerts a support force on the box. But the box and the table are both inertial right? so if F = ma (force = mass x acceleration) and...
  6. I

    How many electrons can the outermost shell hold? 32 or 8?

    8, but the book says 32.
  7. I

    How many electrons can the outermost shell hold? 32 or 8?

    So how many electrons maximum for the (outermost) 7th shell?
  8. I

    How many electrons can the outermost shell hold? 32 or 8?

    In this physics textbook, in the part where it is introducing atoms and in particular, electron shells. it says: "the first and inner most shell has a capacity for 2 electrons, the outermost shell has a capacity for 32 electrons" I thought the outermost shell always had a maximum capacity...
  9. I

    Medical How long does MCH stay elevated after beginning folate/b12 supplimentation?

    In iron and/or b12 deficiency, once levels of b12 and Ferritin have normalized. How long does it take for the MCH to return to normal ranges?
  10. I

    Question about artificial gravity (orbitting earth) in space

    Considering artificial gravity can be created in a large enough tube orbiting an axis at a fast enough speed, consider the following: If a spaceship is in a fixed orbit around the earth, wouldn't it be bound to Earth's axis by its gravitational pull? And if so, since the Earth rotates at...
  11. I

    In electrolysis of NaCl. How does CL become 1/2CL2?

    Na+ + CI- → Na + 1/2C12 How is it Cl becomes Cl2? (what about conservation?) and why does it become diatomic?
  12. I

    What is the difference between t0 and ti?

    and does this apply to everything (x0 etc)?
  13. I

    Why does 1 mole of NaCl contain 1 mole each of Na and Cl?

    I know what a mole is. But, why does it have to be a mole of each instead of another (equal) number? Could I have a mole of NaCl with Na and Cl consisting of 1 atom each (for a total of two atoms in the NaCl)? If I have 6.022 x 10^23 of the NaCl (with two atoms total rather than a mole each)...
  14. I

    Why does 1 mole of NaCl contain 1 mole each of Na and Cl?

    "A mole of sodium chloride is 58.443 g. It will contain 6.022 x 1023 chloride ions and 6.022 x 1023 sodium ions" Why does one mole of sodium chloride contain both a mole of chloride AND a mole of sodium? Why not half a mole of each?:confused: