Recent content by I_am_learning

  1. I_am_learning

    Challenge Micromass' big simulation challenge

    I realized I have a bug in my previous submission. When rumor is spread to next generation, there is a chance (which grows higher as generation increases) that the same person will be counted multiple times as a next gen candidate to spread rumor (because he was randomly selected by multiple...
  2. I_am_learning

    Challenge Micromass' big simulation challenge

    I have included the histogram as requested for problem 3 and problem 4. They look quite the same.
  3. I_am_learning

    Challenge Micromass' big simulation challenge

    Yes, the python random.sample library generates random samples without replacement (i.e. unique samples)
  4. I_am_learning

    Challenge Micromass' big simulation challenge

    Challenge 3 and 4: __author__ = "I_am_learning" import random def rumorReturns(N,r): #returns the generation when the rumor returns back to the original person, otherwise returns -1 if it doesn't return peoples = list(range(0, N, 1)) #Index is person, value is that person's source of...
  5. I_am_learning

    Optimizing Force of Solenoid w/Dia. ≤ 15mm

    Based on your question, if you apply the same voltage, solenoid 1, having thicker wires and hence lower resistance, will have more current flowing, and hence will have a stronger magnetic field, and hence the greater force. More current you push more powerful it gets. Do you have a limit on...
  6. I_am_learning

    Absurdly high Frequency resolution of function generators?

    meBigGuy and Baluncore, Thanks for your replies and explanation, The Function Generator I am using (Rigol DG4162) has sampling frequency of 500Mhz and can generate upto 50Mhz square wave. So, for example if I am generating an 50MHz square wave, you are saying that, the Generator first creates...
  7. I_am_learning

    Absurdly high Frequency resolution of function generators?

    Ok, does that mean, the I am getting the 1uHz resolution only on-average, but pulse-to-pulse frequency can vary by several Khz (with the average frequency = desired 1uHz resolution frequency) ? I am new to this DDS technique; this is the first time I am hearing about it.
  8. I_am_learning

    Absurdly high Frequency resolution of function generators?

    I checked some common commercial high-quality lab function generators and they seem to provide frequency output upto 50 Mhz (not a big deal), but with resolution of 1 uHz ! That means, they can generate signal with 50000000 Hz and also with 50000000.000001 Hz ?? That would equate to time-period...
  9. I_am_learning

    Do Gramian Matrices Have Only One Non-Zero Eigenvalue?

    I cannot see why the bold part should be true? But, doing the underlined part, i.e. substitution v=ax, I can see that it gives a solution, is that from this you infered that the bold part should hold? Thank you for your help.
  10. I_am_learning

    Do Gramian Matrices Have Only One Non-Zero Eigenvalue?

    Yes, I solved the roots of characteristic equation, and it was a nasty business for even a 3x3 matrix. :D Would love to know the simpler method.
  11. I_am_learning

    Do Gramian Matrices Have Only One Non-Zero Eigenvalue?

    if x is a column vector, then a matrix G = x*xT is a Gramian Matrix. When I tried calculating the matrix G and its eigenvalues for cases when x = [x1 x2]' and [x1 x2 x3]' by actually working out the algebra, it turned out (if I didn't do any mistakes) that the eigen values are all zeros except...
  12. I_am_learning

    Improving your English pronunciation using screen readers

    Thank you everybody for your valuable inputs. So, the best course of action seems to be to 1. First learn and understand the basic phonetic theories and learn to properly twist the tongue to produce all the English phonemes. I will definitely get the "How now, brown cow?" 2. Practice a lot, the...
  13. I_am_learning

    Will society ever get rid of Lookism?

    Martin Luther King Jr's dream of people being judged by their character and not color of their skin has mostly been fulfilled, or at least everybody seem to be working for it. But what about people being judged by their Looks? Will people ever be able to forgo looks altogether in choosing...
  14. I_am_learning

    Beginner's Guide: 3 Questions about Electricity

    You ask good questions. In electrical circuits, voltages are almost always discussed in relative terms. So, the +ve terminal of a 12V battery is +12V with respect to the negative terminal of the battery. Reciprocally, the -ve terminal is -12V with respect to the positive terminal. The metal...
  15. I_am_learning

    Trends in calculator interfaces

    I wouldn't want a small touch device as a calculator. Even if the size of the touch device is large (tablet), and the buttons as large as in calculators; I still want the tactile feedback. Maybe, this just my legacy holding me back; like when the time full-touch smartphones were damned for not...