Recent content by Hyku

  1. H

    B Will we ever communicate with extraterrestial life in a reasonable time frame?

    What you meant to say was - that was a nice set of non sequiturs. So you wrapped an ad hominen fallacy in a cloak of grammatically flawed sarcasm. Please explain the flaws in "The myriad 20th century atrocities are common knowledge. Three common causal factors were - a disillusioned desperate...
  2. H

    B Will we ever communicate with extraterrestial life in a reasonable time frame?

    six-eight million years ago, we shared a common ancestor with the chimpanzee and the bonobo. To this day, we share 98.8% of our DNA with the chimp.* Chimpanzees wage war, and they are sadists. ** The myriad 20th century atrocities are common knowledge. Three common causal factors were - a...
  3. H

    B Will we ever communicate with extraterrestial life in a reasonable time frame?

    Can you elaborate on your responses? Whilst my thoughts have probably been influenced by "pop-sci", my curiosity and imagination are governed by critical thinking - the father of most scientific progress.
  4. H

    B Will we ever communicate with extraterrestial life in a reasonable time frame?

    Begging the questions: Is E=MC-squared a universal constant? Can Space Time be folded? If the former is true - could an advanced species possess the intellect to achieve the latter? Also, could the advanced study of the "instantaneous" exchange of information between entangled particles...
  5. H

    B Expansion of the Universe

    I did a google search for: The Implications of Hubble's Law: An Expanding Universe Here is the opening paragraph: "Like Kepler's Laws, Hubble's Law is an empirical law. Hubble discovered a relationship between two measurable properties of galaxies: their velocities and their...
  6. H

    I Post Big Bang Gravity

    Thanks guys.
  7. H

    I Post Big Bang Gravity

    So, because the mass is in constant motion - it does not "fall"? Does spacetime have the same velocity as said mass? How does mass curve spacetime? It seems that the "spacetime is like a sheet of rubber" analogy is fallacious? Wow! The structure of the universe is counterintuitive. Yet...
  8. H

    I Post Big Bang Gravity

    It seems that my lay assumption "How did gravity compress the mass of the post Big Bang universe?" is incorrect. Thanks for your clarification. Regarding spacetime - what is it made of, and how does it support all the mass in the universe? Thanks
  9. H

    I Post Big Bang Gravity

    The "battle" between gravity and pressure.
  10. H

    I Post Big Bang Gravity

    If gravity is caused by the warping of spacetime - how did gravity compress the mass of the post Big Bang universe? Does said compression indicate the force of gravity exists independent of space time? Was Newtonian gravity responsible for the compression? On the other hand, if spacetime was the...