Recent content by Humbucker

  1. H

    Think Out of the Box: Understanding + Examples + Experiences

    The electric guitar was invented in Waukesha,Wisconsin USA by a man named Lester Polfus.He was playing guitar at a burger joint for tips and not making enough money because of the volume of the patrons. He went to his home and rigged a stylus from his family record player,attached it to his...
  2. H

    Relative Logic: Paradox of Cold & Hot Experiences

    Logic has nothing to do with people pertaining to temperatures.I don't understand what this debate is about.
  3. H

    Exploring the Limits of Logic: Discussing its Origins and Effects

    Logic is weighing your behavior against the consequences.The choice is yours.
  4. H

    What does this image reveal about our perceptions?
  5. H

    Infinite monkey's writing shakespeare possible?

    Bill Shakespeare was just one man.A room full of monkeys is irrelavant.
  6. H

    Another question,(hope it isnt boring)

    I agree.Just buy another hat. :-p
  7. H

    Does IQ really determine intelligence?

    Ok,you asked BlackVision.Here are some answers.School huh?Did well then. Don't owe one single penny for my education.Academic scholarships and making fat money.I'll get to that in a minute. Complex situations?How about flying a Pave Low helicopter for 5 years.Special Forces aircraft pilot.Real...
  8. H

    Does IQ really determine intelligence?

    I'm in the 130 range on every IQ test that I've ever taken.They're all wrong.It's a biased and frankly stupid test for people who think they're smart. Bull****. My grandfather left school when he was 9 years old,raised 7 kids and made his own way in this world.That man was almost illiterate...
  9. H

    Does IQ really determine intelligence?

    I took that internet test and don't believe it represents a damn thing.My score was 9.I have to believe that my shoe size is larger than my IQ. :biggrin:
  10. H

    No "Meaning" to Life: Live Free and Define Your Own Purpose

    My ex wife will tell you that as long as I'm conscious she better get a fat check every month.That's proof of life.
  11. H

    Are You Really Doing Nothing? Or Just Trying to Convince Yourself?

    Where I live there is proof of people that have no explanation of why they are on this earth.Living and breathing proof that doing nothing is a possible career.I call them DMV employees. :biggrin:
  12. H

    What Is a Leading Question?

    Hello everyone.This is my first post on a forum like this and I'm sure glad that I found it.I enjoy debating subjective ideas because none of us can be wrong. The right and wrong atmosphere of my day job gets old.Discussing ideas and opinions is what I enjoy.Hope to learn from y'all and I will...