Recent content by howru1

  1. howru1

    MHB Contingent payment-actuaries, math whiz, insurance expert, others-all welcome

    Don't be shy. Your input/opinion would be appreciated. As a start, let me quote an interesting article in Science News “Mathematician answers Supreme Court Plea” by Julie Rehmever in June 2 issue that described how mathematicians were asked to answer Supreme Court Plea on the matter of fairness...
  2. howru1

    MHB Contingent payment-actuaries, math whiz, insurance expert, others-all welcome

    How to fairly divide the contingent payout of \$25,000 (sum insured/face value) as part of total insurance payout \$35,913.33 (balance was from dividends and bonuses)? 1. A paid 8 yearly premium @\$348.25/year (total=\$2,786) inclusive for a relative C(the life insured person). 2. A's...