Recent content by HizzleT

  1. H

    Have you ever switched majors due to a craving for math?

    I know of at least 2 pure math PhDs at my uni who were required to do something like this. I'm happy to grant it's much more rare than I thought. In all honestly, my knowledge of that world is pretty limited. Applied and Pure math tracks are pretty separated at my university. Second, perhaps...
  2. H

    Have you ever switched majors due to a craving for math?

    @CRichard Two things. (going to tack on my CRichard reply here too). 1. I found that in the applied math world, the amount memorization is not that bad. DEs can be hairy though...a lot of different techniques. I have nothing but respect for pure math. people. How they memorize 300 page proofs...
  3. H

    Have you ever switched majors due to a craving for math?

    In college, I majored in Neuroscience but after about two year, I really started to resent biologists' obsession with memorization. Moreover, I really started to miss doing math., as I had in high school. So, I double majored in Applied Math., which was a huge amount of much so, that...
  4. H

    Will my academic inclinations 'jive' with the business world?

    So, I did a BSc in Neuroscience and Math. While long term I think am interested in a PhD in neuroscience, I am likely going to do a MSc in Data Analytics ("Big Data") first. It offers both job security if I change my mind on the PhD as well as the chance for me to do what I love: statistical +...
  5. H

    How to counter "everything is a construct" worldview?

    Again, at the risk of being impolite (and I apologize if I come off as abrasive), but I assure you these people are very real and I have encountered a good many of them. Moreover, I do not believe, at any point, I claimed that these people I've encountered are accredited researchers. 1. If I...
  6. H

    How to counter "everything is a construct" worldview?

    At the risk of sounding impolite, I don't believe I did this? I believe I go so far as to offer a quite thorough critique of the paper I reference.
  7. H

    How to counter "everything is a construct" worldview?

    @zoobyshoe , @Ryan_m_b got it. Yes. I am aware of the difference between sex and gender. I understand and, to the extent I can, appreciate that difference. I am not particularly vested in this particular example -- it was simply one example of social constructionism that came to mind. However...
  8. H

    How to counter "everything is a construct" worldview?

    Many of the people in humanities I encounter seem very wedded to mindset I refer to as "construct = everything". For example, they say bazar things such as gender is 100% a construct. They say this as if sexual selection doesn't exist (to be fair, they honestly don't seem to know it exists)...
  9. H

    Research into self-replicating materials/machines

    In short, we already have nanobots: they're called biological cells. If you find this answer cheap or otherwise unconvincing, I suggest you watch this animation Harvard U made several years ago (below). There is some artistic license, yes, but generally, this is actually how cells work and it...
  10. H

    100+ hour weeks as an undergrad -- abnormal?

    1. I did not do well first year (partied way too much). Most top schools require GPAs close to 4.0 to get it. Thus, I had to get most A+'s to cancel out my first year. 2. I have long felt I had to work much harder than others to get the same grades but didn't know if this was an illusion. My...
  11. H

    100+ hour weeks as an undergrad -- abnormal?

    Well, perhaps other people are just smarter. However, it's what I need to do for straight A+'s. If I think about it carefully, I'd say it'd be about 40 hour a week doing math, not 50. That's only ~6 hour a day, every day of the week. Every problem is done twice, every detail of every proof is...
  12. H

    100+ hour weeks as an undergrad -- abnormal?

    So, in college I did Applied Math. and Neuroscience. Each requires about 50 hours a week (for me at least). So, 50 x 2 = 100 hours + 10 hours of volunteering in a lab. So yeah, I'd often put in 110 hour weeks for 3 months straight...semester after semester. I did well, but it was horrific...
  13. H

    High school years are the best years of your life

    I had more free time in high school and freshman year of college. When college really started going after 1st year, my free time declined a lot. It made me miss all the time I had in high school to just read whatever I was interested in. Best years? I hope not...but better than most of...
  14. H

    To physical scientist, what do you think of biological sciences?

    The only molecular biology I know is molecular neuroscience, which is advancing at a breathtaking clip. I just have to respectively disagree with you on that. Find a copy of Nature Neuroscience, Neuron, J Molecular Neuro., etc. -- it will make your head spin the rate at which novel techniques...
  15. H

    How do you all cope with the futility of life

    Sam Harris answers this question quite nicely: Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil (his only book I ever "got"). The content is less important here than the wonderful way he has of making you at ease with futility, while concurrently making you want to fight for something permanent. Perhaps look...