Recent content by hispanic panic

  1. H

    What is the best material for low damping in a racing simulator pedal set?

    Another great idea! De-couple the force feedback from the position sensing.
  2. H

    What is the best material for low damping in a racing simulator pedal set?

    Bellvilles are a great idea, but i have no experience using them. What kind of friction levels are typical? I assume the inherent friction/damping would be less than rubber? Maybe some electroless nickle coated washers would help out with that friction?
  3. H

    Easy way to test for Fusel Alcohols in ethanols

    I had figured it might be difficult to determine due to the chemical similarity. I just wasn't sure if anyone was familiar with the methods by which they do this in a laboratory, or even if they knew exactly which machines had been developed specifically for this task. Maybe i should just place...
  4. H

    What is the best material for low damping in a racing simulator pedal set?

    ... That's actually a really good idea. I imagine a spring won't provide enough force at low deflections and likely too much at higher deflections. I'll have to plot some force/distance graphs of the rubbers to try and emulate that shape with a bellcrank.
  5. H

    What is the best material for low damping in a racing simulator pedal set?

    Cross posted this in the materials forum but i received nothing so I'm posting it here. << Mentor Note -- OP has been reminded not to cross-post at the PF >> So the application is in a pedal set for a racing simulator cockpit. The brake pedal has a high resolution pressure transducer that...
  6. H

    Easy way to test for Fusel Alcohols in ethanols

    Am i taking crazy pills or are people just not paying attention?
  7. H

    Easy way to test for Fusel Alcohols in ethanols

    Jesus christ guys way to go off a cliff. Here's what i know: There are approximately 10 "fusel" alchohols that are produced during distillation and fermentation in addition to ethanol. The FDA has PPM limits on each one of these all relating to their levels of toxicity (yes, methanol too...
  8. H

    Easy way to test for Fusel Alcohols in ethanols

    I know fusel alcohol is not an official term, and my chemistry is rusty, but is there an easy way to test for fusel alcohols in a primarily ethanol/water mixture? Basically, any alcohol that isn't ethanol?
  9. H

    How fast Coil Springs are? Greatest mystery today?

    I just want to chime in here because I'm genuinely interested in release characteristics of coil springs. I didn't read a lot of what was typed here as I'm pretty lazy, but one thing that i didn't see mentioned was the damping of the spring material itself. Simple fact of the matter is that to...
  10. H

    Light speed and space-time distortion

    yes i think so But the point i was getting at in my boat analogy was that we were traveling across the river, but the thing that made the boat move from one point of the river to another, was an additional vector; the water current. So with or without that additional vector, we would have...
  11. H

    What is the structure of black holes?

    does anyone want to give me feedback on my uneducated theory? ... that is my theory that black holes are nothing but atomic reactions imploding from gravity?
  12. H

    Light speed and space-time distortion

    The way you put it, it makes it seem as if we as human beings, can only direct ourselves in one direction. weather it be straight, in our own, or sideways traveling to another. Like you said, we have to take away from our own movement to add to another. Well... what if we didn't have to...
  13. H

    Light speed and space-time distortion

    I completely udnerstand how light travels at one speed and all, since they are waves. Another example would be sound. They both travel in waves, and sound emitting from a moving source reaches the observer at the same time despite the speed of the source. Like if your traveling 5 times the...
  14. H

    What is the structure of black holes?

    To start off with, i don't know anything about quantum physics, or astronomy, but this is what i think, i think that black hole's have absolutely nothing to do with time. Blackholes, are derived from a star (duh), a very large star that had a large mass to begin with. Now in these stars that...
  15. H

    Designing a Human-Powered Claw: Pullys, Levers, and Gears

    hey... th ats actually a really good idea! lol thanks for the tip. i'll try to devise some prototypes