Recent content by hgandh

  1. H

    Does Galilean relativity imply infinite propagation speed?

    Without assuming a universal speed that is constant in all inertial reference frames, is it a necessary consequence of Galilean symmetry that interactions are instantaneous? If this is the case how can we prove this?
  2. H

    I Does Galilean symmetry imply that all systems are monogenic?

    prime denotes derivative with respect to time
  3. H

    I Does Galilean symmetry imply that all systems are monogenic?

    The underlying interactions at the microscopic level that give rise to friction are derivable from potentials.
  4. H

    I Does Galilean symmetry imply that all systems are monogenic?

    The equations of motions for a closed system consisting of ##N## particles are: $$m_i \vec x_i'' = \sum_{j \neq i}^N \vec F(\vec x_i, \vec x_i', \vec x_j, \vec x_j')$$ $$ i = 1,..., N$$ Now if we impose the requirement that this closed system be symmetric under Galilean transformations, do we...
  5. H

    Entropy in a non inertial reference frame

    I know that the entropy of a system is the same in different inertial frames. Is this still the case for non inertial frames? For example, is the entropy of a body as seen from a rotating reference frame the same as the entropy seen from a fixed frame?
  6. H

    B Question about expanding a function to first order

    If I restrict it to positive values only, would this become valid then?
  7. H

    B Question about expanding a function to first order

    If we have a function ##f(x+\Delta x)## where ##\Delta x << x##, is it valid to approximate this as: $$f(x + \Delta x) \approx f(x) + f'(x)\Delta x$$ even if ##\Delta x## is not necessarily small? If not, what is the valid expansion to first order?
  8. H

    Maximum work done by a body in an external medium

    The body and the object are two different things. The body is in an external medium and can exchange both work and heat. The body can only exchange work with the object. So you have 3 things here: the medium, body and the object.
  9. H

    Maximum work done by a body in an external medium

    I am reading Landau's Vol 5 on Statistical Physics and have trouble grasping some concepts in Section 20. If I understand this correctly, the body and the medium are in direct contact and can exchange work and heat while the object can only exchange work with the body. So the minimum...
  10. H

    I Symmetry transformation in Heisenberg vs Schrödinger Picture

    No it is a general Lorentz transformation. I believe my mistake was the the time evolution operator itself changes in the new reference frame since the Hamiltonian as seen in this new frame is in general not the same as in the original. $$U(t) \to U(\Lambda)U(t)U^{-1} (\Lambda)$$
  11. H

    I Symmetry transformation in Heisenberg vs Schrödinger Picture

    Symmetry transformations are changes in our point of view that preserve the possible outcomes of experiment: $$\Psi \rightarrow U(\Lambda) \Psi$$ In the Heisenberg picture, observables in a fixed reference frame evolve according to: $$P(t) = U^\dagger (t)PU(t)$$ while in the Schrodinger...
  12. H

    I Gruneisen Parameter Ashcroft & Mermin Chapter 25: Exploring the Result

    Ashcroft & Mermin Chapter 25, the Gruneisen Parameters are defined as: $$\gamma_{ks}=-\frac V {\omega_{ks}} \frac {\partial {\omega_{ks}}} {\partial V}$$ where the normal mode frequencies are defined by the eigenvalue equation: $$ M \omega^2 \epsilon = D(k) \epsilon $$ The volume of the crystal...
  13. H

    Question about a system in thermodynamic equilibrium

    What are the precise conditions for thermodynamic equilibrium? I know that a system in thermodynamic equilibrium must have constant temperature and that there can be no net macroscopic flow of energy or matter. However, is it possible for there to be a system in equilibrium that has a spatially...
  14. H

    A Question about coefficients of massless quantum fields

    I should have marked it as "A". I am studying QFT currently with all of the assumed pre requisites and some group theory.
  15. H

    A Question about coefficients of massless quantum fields

    From Chapter 5.9 Weinberg's QFT Vol 1, massless fields are defined as: \psi_l(x)=(2\pi)^{-3/2}\int d^{3}p\sum_{\sigma}[k a(p,\sigma)u_l(p,\sigma)e^{ipx}+\lambda a^{c\dagger}(p,\sigma)v_l(p,\sigma)e^{-ipx}] With coefficients defined by the conditions: u_{\bar{l}}(p,\sigma) =\sqrt{|k|/p^0}...