Recent content by Helios

  1. Helios

    COVID New Pfizer vaccine name, "Comirnaty"

    other runner-ups were covfefe and corbomite
  2. Helios

    I What would it take to eliminate leap years?

    "This is the one exception every 400 years." I still count 3 exceptions to the Julian calendar every 400 years. Count them. You haven't explained the "reference calendar" and why I would be wishing to change it. What did that mean?
  3. Helios

    I What would it take to eliminate leap years?

    How else can this be construed that isn't an erroneous statement? The "1" is literally taken to mean "one extra day" and this would even be worse than the Julian calendar. Even if you said "1 less", that would still be wrong. Neither case matches what the Gregorian reforms prescribe. I am also...
  4. Helios

    I What would it take to eliminate leap years?

    The Gregorian reforms have THREE exceptions in 400 years, to the Julian, not one.
  5. Helios

    I What would it take to eliminate leap years?

    The "mean tropical year" is based on the mean sun, and is not exactly equal to any of the times taken to go from an equinox to the next or from a solstice to the next. Between two Southern solstices ( year 2000 ) equals 365.242740 days So I guess two times around winter, the Gregorian would...
  6. Helios

    I What would it take to eliminate leap years?

    Different parts of the year have different year lengths. I think there's two places in the year where the Gregorian is accurate, no change needed.
  7. Helios

    B I have a conceptual question about relative mass

    I dare say ANY quantity depends on itself. Relative mass is an archaic concept these days.
  8. Helios

    B Angle of the diagonal of a cube

    It looks like you can use a Rhombic Dodecahedron. It would have an inner long axis that aligns with the Earth axis.
  9. Helios

    B Angle of the diagonal of a cube

    There is also the magical latitude 35.26 ° , quite near my home. From there, you can set down a cube and have the axis point to the north star. Same goes for the octahedron! These solids could go farther and have sundials affixed to each face. These things set flat at this latitude.
  10. Helios

    What is the temperature change of a bullet upon impact?

    In order for the bullet to come to rest, it must lose all it's kinetic energy.
  11. Helios

    Full moon names: somewhat bogus but fun.

    Calendars that reckon the year by counting lunar months are called luni-solar. Calendars that reckon a fixed number of months are lunar calendars. It is more usual to say that a common year ( luni-solar ) has 12 months with leap months added than a 13 month year that is truncated, because the...
  12. Helios

    Full moon names: somewhat bogus but fun.

    A lunar calendar of 13 months would track 13 months regardless of the Spring Equinox. I didn't find "13 months" mentioned on the reference. What are you talking about?
  13. Helios

    A Solve Stellar Structure with Lane-Emden Equation

    SSM is the standard solar model not the standard stellar model. How could there be a standard stellar model if there are so many different kinds of stars? The Lane-Emden equation is an equation that merges Newtonian gravity with the ideal gas law. It is instructive to study its derivation...
  14. Helios

    B Void to the End of our Universe?: Exploring the Unknown

    Tell us what voids you are talking about. Why do you capitalize common nouns and the verb "believe"?
  15. Helios

    News The height of the pyramid of Cheops

    You can look up the Angle of Repose for Granite 35–40° Gravel (crushed stone) 45° that is about the pyramid slope.