Recent content by hardyboy16jm

  1. H

    How can I use a pressure sensor to detect drum hits for my lighting rig?

    I just realized sort of a problem with some of the suggestions (obviously not any ones fault but mine for forgetting to mention this) When drummers play, the pedal doesn't always go back to starting point since we keep our foot on the pedal. i also sometimes try to keep the beat by slightly...
  2. H

    How can I use a pressure sensor to detect drum hits for my lighting rig?

    I like the child idea, it's probably the best idea I've heard so far. But just in case... how can I use the microswitch so I don't break the switch in any way? I like to hit the pedal pretty hard, and there are points where I'm playing at peak speed and control where I end up hitting the pedal...
  3. H

    How can I use a pressure sensor to detect drum hits for my lighting rig?

    Im trying to build this lighting rig, so that every time I hit the bass drum of my drum set, the rig can light up. So I need a way to sense if I hit the drum, and then send an electrical signal to a microcontroller so the lights can light up (I don't need help with the lights, just the sensor)...
  4. H

    Understanding the Legalities and Limitations of Building a PM RF Transmitter

    Actually, I'm going to edit this question a bit. I think that I will use an AM or FM wave, but with what amplitude/frequency can I know that the signal won't interfere with other waves?
  5. H

    Understanding the Legalities and Limitations of Building a PM RF Transmitter

    How can I build a transmitter using radio waves with pulse modulation (Which I think [PM] means sine waves that either transmit or don't)? I can't find anything on how to build a PM transmitter, I can only find FM/AM ones, and I'm not smart enough to convert that information to the way I want...
  6. H

    Designing a DIY Wireless Car Remote: Steps and Resources

    Thank you 256bits, your post was really really helpful and has led me to a lot of research on RF communication. Many many thanks!
  7. H

    Designing a DIY Wireless Car Remote: Steps and Resources

    First of all, I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong place or if this question is so bad that you had to spit at your computer, but I'm not really sure how to start this project. Ok, so I have my 1999 Honda which doesn't have a remote to unlock/lock the doors. So I want to make one. It'll be...