Recent content by HailSagan

  1. HailSagan

    B What Space Does the Universe Occupy?

    Thank you, explaining it in that way makes it much to easier to grasp.
  2. HailSagan

    B What Space Does the Universe Occupy?

    Thank you for your reply. I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around this concept and would like to followup with further questions but I can't think of a way of doing it without leaving the realm of scientific inquiry and entering that of philosophical inquiry. That being the case...
  3. HailSagan

    B What Space Does the Universe Occupy?

    Greetings, all. Please forgive my ignorance, but this is a question which has been on my mind for many years: What space does the universe occupy? To clarify what I mean: I'm in a building which is in the city of Hillsboro, which is the county of Washington, which is in the state of Oregon...