Recent content by guilesar

  1. G

    Static vs. Moving wave in an Oscilloscope

    I have a basic question about using an oscilloscope... What's the difference between an oscilloscope displaying a static wave versus a moving wave? Is the difference in the type of scope you're using (digital vs. analog) or is it a setting on the scope itself? This would be used for visualizing...
  2. G

    Relationship between pitch and string length

    Is the relationship between the length of a guitar string and the frequency of the pitch it produces a linear relationship? e.g. If the frequency of the pitch of a string is 60 Hz and I halve the length, should it produce a pitch with a frequency of 120 Hz? This is assuming all other...
  3. G

    How Does Refraction Affect Image Location in a Thin Lens Observation?

    Homework Statement A small fish, four feet below the surface of Lake Lansing is viewed through a simple thin converging lens with focal length 30 feet. If the lens is 2 feet above the water surface, where is the image of the fish seen by the observer? Assume the fish lies on the optical axis...
  4. G

    Solving for Theta and Phi in Direction of Propagation | Homework Statement

    Yeah. I don't "forum" much so I just learned what Latex is tonight. But I'll work on it :) Thank you very very much!
  5. G

    Solving for Theta and Phi in Direction of Propagation | Homework Statement

    This is just the second part of a four part problem. The original problem stated exactly as it was on my homework is: A plane wave propagating in a given medium is expressed as u(x,y,z,t)=u0exp[i(2x+3y+4z)*106-i1015t] a. Find the given unit vector for the direction of propagation A...
  6. G

    Solving for Theta and Phi in Direction of Propagation | Homework Statement

    sorry, those are just elementary vectors. They could easily just be said x,y,z. I don't know what LaTeX is... :-p
  7. G

    Solving for Theta and Phi in Direction of Propagation | Homework Statement

    Homework Statement The direction of propagation is defined as ex=sin(theta)cos(phi), ey=sin(theta)sin(phi), ez=cos(theta). What are the values of theta and phi characterizing the direction of propagation? Homework Equations We have a point in space with the coordinates...
  8. G

    Secrets of the Microwave Oven: Grid Dimensions & Polar Molecules

    Homework Statement Microwave oven I. The glass window isn't important to the microwave oven's operation, but the metal grid associated with that window certainly is. The grid forms the sixth side of the metal box that traps the microwaves so they cook food effectively. What is the approximate...