Recent content by grumpymrgruff

  1. G

    A Methods to interpolate surfaces from gradient field?

    I have a 2D regular grid of vectors representing average headings on a 2D spatial domain. These are generated by stochastic simulation of chemical-sampling and gradient-estimation techniques for a robotic search algorithm seeking a chemical source. Without going into a lot of detail, I would...
  2. G

    MATLAB Persistent plot legend error in recent install of R2015b

    Thanks, I tried that. It seems to happen after I add anything to the default path. I've gone through everything in the added directories to make sure there weren't any functions sharing names with MATLAB defaults. I'm probably just going to use another PC (also x64 and same OS) that doesn't...
  3. G

    Robotics Engineers -- How could a bot navigate by temperature?

    I've seen a bit of research that relies on imaging methods like FLIR for input. My question adds a couple wrinkles: How could a robot Navigate without imaging? I.e., using only local sensors like a thermocouple or array of thermocouples. Extract navigation info from turbulent thermally...
  4. G

    Does studying psychology make you crazy?

    I am also surprised. Perhaps it's a regional thing (I'm from the US), but mental health clinicians without doctorates rarely (if ever) refer to themselves as psychologists. That's reserved for those with Psy.Ds or Ph.Ds in clinical psych. Discounting fringe/quack therapies, those with master...
  5. G

    Does studying psychology make you crazy?

    I doubt it 'rubs off'. However, I haven't seen research implying that their training makes them less susceptible to MI. Also, an anecdote: I'm a neuroscientist (bio/math by training) and many colleagues have disclosed mental illnesses or neurodevelopmental disorders at some point or another...
  6. G

    How do animals have better immune systems than humans?

    Fun fact: The wet nose of dogs (and some other mammals that track smells) is called a rhinarium. It is wet to detect the direction of air currents (like when someone licks their finger and holds it up to figure out wind directions) and help figure out the direction a smell might be coming from...
  7. G

    MATLAB Persistent plot legend error in recent install of R2015b

    Hey PFers. I recently did an install of Matlab R2015b on a x64 Windows 10 PC. It doesn't matter what I plot or how I plot it (e.g., plot(), scatter(),etc.), when I use the figure dropdown menu Insert→Legend I get the following error Error using assert Too many input arguments. Error in...
  8. G

    Comsol 3.5x: Obtaining boundary coordinates from irregular geom obj

    I don't have access to Comsol 4.x. I imported a 3D mesh generated from point cloud data and generated a geometry. (A hollow almost-ellipsoid.) I solve my system on the surface/boundary alone; there is no volumetric data. I need to extract 1D data from the surface/boundary at points other...
  9. G

    Experimental data interpolation in COMSOL

    Here's a question for the COMSOL whizzes: I'm using the COMSOL 3.5a Diffusion Toolbox. I have a 1D reaction-diffusion model that is controlled by a catalyst. The spatial distribution of catalyst along the 1D space is independent of the other chemical species and I have data for the...
  10. G

    MATLAB Comsol w/Matlab: CLI vs GUI issues

    Good eye. I didn't notice that. Unfortunately, the typo is only in my post, not in the code. Right now I'm running the job on a cluster with X11 forwarding for the GUI and hoping that I don't lose my connection to the cluster for about a week's worth of computation. ;-)
  11. G

    MATLAB Imaging data in Matlab: Point cloud -> interpolated surface?

    Thanks. I ended up using metch, a beta software package which has similar functionality. I'll have to play with meshlab and compare.
  12. G

    Metabolism of Body Fat: Process & Effects

    I remember learning something like this, but I don't think fatty acid diffusion across the membrane is as important as you make it out to be. Recall that saturated fatty acids have more energy-rich oxidizable hydrogen-carbon bonds than unsaturated fatty acids of the same length. As an energy...
  13. G

    Metabolism of Body Fat: Process & Effects

    Body fat consists of a glycerol ester-linked to three fatty acid chains (called triglycerides). The fatty acid chains undergo" . The opposite metabolic process, fatty acid synthesis, is discussed"...
  14. G

    MATLAB Comsol w/Matlab: CLI vs GUI issues

    Hi all - I've been working on some code in Comsol w/ Matlab that works fine on any machine I run it on - so long as I run it through the Comsol w/ Matlab GUI. No matter which machine I run it on, the program fails if I run Comsol w/ Matlab through a CLI. Specifically, the geominport()...
  15. G

    MATLAB Imaging data in Matlab: Point cloud -> interpolated surface?

    Thanks for the suggestion. I gave griddata3 a try, but it can only do linear interpolation or nearest neighbor matching. For some reason, linear interp returns half of the interpolated points as NaNs. Nearest neighbor assignment introduces too much error. Any idea how to take advantage...