Recent content by GrandsonOfMagnusCarl

  1. G

    Canonical ensemble <(Delta E)^3> expression

    For any canonical ensemble. Ah, yours would be an approach. I never thought of using an explicit example system to find that resulting expression.
  2. G

    Canonical ensemble <(Delta E)^3> expression

    I try involving differentiating ^2 but I get an expression of different proportionality.
  3. G

    Conquering the Integral of (1/x)*exp(-ax^2): A Scientific Inquiry

    Ah I'm so stupid. Thank you. Also another reality check for me.
  4. G

    Conquering the Integral of (1/x)*exp(-ax^2): A Scientific Inquiry

    Hopeless. I tried to use Taylor expansion but the zeroes and infinities go out of control really quick. I tried WolframAlpha and it gave a special function. What integrating trick am I missing? Or is it nonsense to solve it simply by hand?