Recent content by giova7_89

  1. G

    Total energy vs. energy in a finite region

    Yep, you're right...
  2. G

    Total energy vs. energy in a finite region

    I was thinking about the following thing: we know that if the Lagrangian in field theory doesn't depend on the spacetime position, the Noether's theorem says that the stress-energy tensor is conserved, and that T^00 is the energy density at spacetime point x. Then if one integrates this h(x)...
  3. G

    Question about this interaction in QFT

    Ok, but I tried that example because I was able to treat it nonperturbatively (after all we agreed that it is a free theory!). We just started feynman diagrams in our course and didn't get to renormalization theory yet (I don't even knopw if we will do it in this course) so my knowledge of these...
  4. G

    Question about this interaction in QFT

    Question about this "interaction" in QFT Hi, I started two months ago my course in QFT, and since I heard about the fact that the bare mass appearing in the Lagrangian of a theory isn't the physical mass of a particle (due to self interaction, I guess), I tried to find an example explicitly...
  5. G

    Derivative of an operator valued function

    My knowledge about this is very limited.. So i'd be glad if you could post some references. I just started a course on quantum field theory and since (but it also happens in the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics) we're dealing with operator valued functions, I wanted to know more about...
  6. G

    Derivative of an operator valued function

    In the original post, things should look like this: f'(s_0) is an operator such that: lim_{\Delta s\rightarrow 0}\frac{|f(s_0+\Delta s) - f(s_0) - \Delta s\,f'(s_0)|_L}{\Delta s} = 0 The oroginal post was wrong since it compared a number to an operator :smile:
  7. G

    Derivative of an operator valued function

    Ok, one doesn't need to put || in THAT definition, and I know that f'(s_0) is an operator, what I meant was that when i use the usual \epsilon,\delta definition of limit, the norm on L will surely pop out: I mean that f'(s_0) is the operator that does this thing...
  8. G

    Derivative of an operator valued function

    If I have a function f:R\rightarrow L where L is the space of linear operators from an hilbert space to itself, how can i define the derivative of f at a particular point of R? I mean, it is "obvious" that one should try: f'(s_0)=lim_{\Delta s\rightarrow0}\frac{|f(s_0 + \Delta s)...
  9. G

    Question: How do symmetries and time evolution interact in quantum mechanics?

    Yes, I know these mathematics behind that, but my question is why do we do so? I mean, why one says the things you wrote in bold? Is it somehow related to active vs passive transformations?
  10. G

    Question: How do symmetries and time evolution interact in quantum mechanics?

    My question is the following: when in quantum mechanics one introduces symmetry, says that a states and observables transform both, in order to mantain mean values intact (kind of like a change of coordinate system), i.e.: |\psi>\rightarrow U|\psi> and O\rightarrow UOU^\dagger...
  11. G

    Can PDEs be solved using ODEs in quantum mechanics?

    No the example is ok! I did something similar for the free particle.. The thing is that it doesn't answer my problem.. I am looking for a vector field whose flow I can use to solve EXACTLY a PDE evolution equation, as I can do in classical mechanics. The main point of my last post was, in...
  12. G

    Can PDEs be solved using ODEs in quantum mechanics?

    Hi spocchio! I didn't get what you were trying to say in your last post, but I tried to solve that problem. First off I took as initial state ket the function \psi (p) = p^2 and made it evolve: i took terms not higher than order t and got (I set \hbar = 1 ) (\hat{U}_t\psi)(p)...
  13. G

    Can PDEs be solved using ODEs in quantum mechanics?

    I know.. But in classical mechanics an observable is an element of a infinite dimensional space too! The space of functions of position and momentum. Maybe I didn't made myself clear enough in my last post: from what i understood about CM and its equations, one can find the hamiltonian flow by...
  14. G

    Can PDEs be solved using ODEs in quantum mechanics?

    But how can I find the vector field that generates this flow? I tried (naively) to get the three "equations of motion" by chosing as \psi(x,y,z) the functions \psi(x,y,z) = x , \psi(x,y,z) = y , \psi(x,y,z) = z . By doing this I got that: \frac{d}{dt}\vec{r} =...
  15. G

    Can PDEs be solved using ODEs in quantum mechanics?

    Here's my question: as soon as I learned Quantum Mechanics and Schrodinger equation, I saw a "similarity" with the equation one gets in classical mechanics for the evolution of a function in phase space. In QM one has: i\hbar\frac{d}{dt}\psi = \hat{H}\psi and this is a evolution...