Recent content by Gary_T2018

  1. G

    Seeking psychological help: Tricks to deal with being really envious?

    I'll post a hastily pieced together text here and may update it later as I go. Mod please don't move or delete this, it's not a serious psychological subject and I'm very, serious about my stressful situation and a potential depression episode so I'm not joking.Basically, I keep running into...
  2. G

    News Florida Collapsed Condominium had been sinking since 1990s

    The most shocking part of the whole tragedy it seems is that both the professionals hired by the homeowners to inspect the building and the government-dispatched surveyors had knowledge of the extensive or at the very least, conspicuous damages caused by the flawed implementation of the drainage...
  3. G

    Superdeterminism ruined the significance of DCQE experiment

    I keep thinking that the universe "knows" when, how, where these know-it-all (no pun intended) physicists did their experiment so all the results are not only consistent, but perfectly normal, nothing freaky about it. I'm no longer capable of thinking like a normal human being and subsequently...
  4. G

    I Is there a name for this type of interpretation?

    One hypothesis (may be a mainstream interpretation now, I didn't follow this subject very closely) about why "quantum communication" isn't possible using quantum entanglement is that we as observers, the physicists who conduct such experiments are automatons, and that at which instant would he...
  5. G

    Can you name someone that pulled off a certain impossible feat academically?

    Doesn't "impossible" means "incredible" and "unbelievable" a lot of the times? E.g. "Your hang-up on semantics and the literal definition of terms are impossibly stubborn"
  6. G

    Can you name someone that pulled off a certain impossible feat academically?

    Metaphorically, not literally. Never mind...
  7. G

    Can you name someone that pulled off a certain impossible feat academically?

    But she's got like, 4 degrees. That's still something.
  8. G

    Is it possible to move a black hole?

    Hah, I'll be perfectly honest I had always assumed (which is a very bad practice) massive black holes form first due to super-super nova collapsing, then other still massive, but nevertheless relatively smaller stars, formed by dust cloud no less, gradually form galaxies, in heaven-knows how...
  9. G

    Can you name someone that pulled off a certain impossible feat academically?

    Could be someone you know, or someone you heard/read about. By "certain impossible feat academically?" I mean someone who achieved something that is really, really impressive and must be a combination of individual merit, endeavor, talent and of course, luck. Someone for example won the Draper...
  10. G

    Is it possible to move a black hole?

    Why most certainly! Here's my little trick that I played to draw my conclusion: Galaxies are formed around massive black holes. Galaxies move around and sometimes they collide. Our Milkyway galaxy will collapse with... that, that galaxy... well that! (pointing finger up frantically) galaxy in...
  11. G

    COVID COVID-19 Coronavirus Containment Efforts

    My 2 cents, and I know this will upset a lot of people: If you really want to control the spread, mandatory N95 masks + mandatory quarantine + forced travel logging. This is how it is done in China and Korea. This is how partially it was done in New Zealand. This is not going to be possible...
  12. G

    What would ultra-fast (but expensive) transcontinental shipping solve?

    Almost all major cities. Denver and up. C'mon I can't go any lower.
  13. G

    What would ultra-fast (but expensive) transcontinental shipping solve?

    Wouldn't be the backup right next to the main server?
  14. G

    What would ultra-fast (but expensive) transcontinental shipping solve?

    Say we now have the technology (actually, we do) to ship a payload as heavy as 800kg from New Jersey to London in only 3 hours. And the cost is well over 100,000 USD per delivery. What would that realistically solve? Oh and huge bummer: no human payload possible (yet). No military application...