Recent content by garthenar

  1. garthenar

    Engineering Cadence Transformer dot convention and polarity (xfmr)

    Here is the circuit... Here is my work so far in cadence (I haven't put in values for other components in because the moment I saw the dot convention I started trying to figure that out). Where I'm at -There apparently isn't a way in Cadence Virtuoso (the program my class uses) to change the...
  2. garthenar

    Engineering W0 = 1/RC? Transfer Functions and Bode Plots

    I'm definitely feeling better about this. I still have a lot to understand but I'm kind of ticked that they used concepts from later in the book in the practice problem. I'm just glad it wasn't something I had already learned. And thank you. I know they don't allow people to just give answers...
  3. garthenar

    Engineering W0 = 1/RC? Transfer Functions and Bode Plots

    That is exactly what is confusing me. Looking at it, if I set ##\omega = ##\omega_0 then the magnitude becomes 1/√2 which I just read is called the cutoff? (Brand new to this and LPFs are two sections from now). Did they chose RC = 1/##\omega_0 to achieve this number?
  4. garthenar

    Engineering W0 = 1/RC? Transfer Functions and Bode Plots

    Sure. Here you go. I've been doing more research and I'm starting to think this has something to do with cutoff frequency. I'm going to look at getting the pols and checking it against that.
  5. garthenar

    Engineering W0 = 1/RC? Transfer Functions and Bode Plots

    Here is the example and solution in full. I have circled where I'm at and highlighted the part that's tripping me up. I managed to get... and getting everything in terms of the angular frequency seems to be critical for getting the plots for the Frequency Response. I checked my notes on RC...
  6. garthenar

    Engineering Designing an adjustable voltage source using only resistors and a pot

    Yeah, gladly. My big misconception was on how the potentiometer worked. It can be treated as a wire with two resistors. The middle leg is connected between the resistors. Changing the position of the potentiometer will increase resistance on one side and decrease it on the other. ( this video...
  7. garthenar

    Intensity and Interference Patterns (double slit)

    I'm not entirely sure. My professor said that I should use the equation (I_0)cos^2(Φ/2) with I_0 equaling the intensity at the origin of the two slit model. So I'm assuming that the 4(I_0) has something to do with the the intensity one slit would produce. We haven't done single slits so I'll...
  8. garthenar

    Intensity and Interference Patterns (double slit)

    Wait, I though the central max was at y =0. Where is the central max?
  9. garthenar

    Intensity and Interference Patterns (double slit)

    I'm still on part a. I think that i may have the wrong equation for intensity. I'm not sure I'm using the right numbers for the "first minimum". I started with getting the wavelength λ=(ax)/D since the first minimum occurs at m = 0.5 I multiplied the distance to the first minimum by 2 to get...
  10. garthenar

    Fixing Error: (vlog-7) Failed to Open Design Unit File

    Sorry for the long wait time. Schools being chaotic since they're trying to figure out how to put everything online as a stop gap for the Corona Virus. Removing the "." did not work although I'm sure what you suggested will come in handy. I'm going to see if I can find a professor or Grad...
  11. garthenar

    Fixing Error: (vlog-7) Failed to Open Design Unit File

    changed the location where the simulation is storing Lab4.vwf.vt to qsim/work and fixed it to the point where the simulation completes but now won't open the completed file automatically. I'm going to check and see if it opens manualy in a bit but the new screen is I can open Lab4.vwf.vt...
  12. garthenar

    Fixing Error: (vlog-7) Failed to Open Design Unit File

    editide line 4 of the model sim script from vlog -work work Waveform.vwf.vt to vlog -work work Lab4.vwf.vt reduced the error to but it should be noted that the flow progress readout is way, way longer than it was. I don't know if I've gotten closer to getting this to work or if I've f'ed...
  13. garthenar

    Fixing Error: (vlog-7) Failed to Open Design Unit File

    Homework Statement:: None. This is part of implementing a project and not an actual question. It's a technical problem or equipment failure. Relevant Equations:: The Code I get is; Error: (vlog-7) Failed to open design unit file "Waveform.vwf.vt" in read mode. [Mentor Note -- moved to the...
  14. garthenar

    Comp Sci Boolean simplification of a larger term?

    I notice that I forgot about the absorption law. Thank you. I knew it would be something obvious.
  15. garthenar

    Comp Sci Boolean simplification of a larger term?

    That it's redundant. But I need to know what laws cause it to be redundant. (In my class we're required to list the laws we use with each step.)