Recent content by FuzzySphere

  1. FuzzySphere

    I Doubt in understanding degenerate perturbation theory

    Okay, an ##N## dimensional space is a lot bigger than a one dimensional space, to be clear (##N## is the number of degenerate eigenstates). That was my point in the post, I apologize if that was unclear. I was answering the question of OP's, which was "Why can't I use |2(0)⟩ and...
  2. FuzzySphere

    I Doubt in understanding degenerate perturbation theory

    In ordinary, non-degenerate perturbation theory, the first order correction to the state is given by $$|n^{(1)}\rangle = -\sum_{k \not = n}\frac {|k^{(0)}\rangle H'_{kn}}{E^{(0)}_k -E^{(0)}_n}$$ where ##H'_kn =\langle k^{(0)}|H'|n^{(0)}\rangle##. You can see that if two or more eigenvalues are...
  3. FuzzySphere

    Classical Electrodynamics Recommendations

    Thanks for the recommendation. I found Schwartz to be a little difficult to understand, particularly the section on capacitance, but I haven't read much beyond that to be honest.
  4. FuzzySphere

    Classical Electrodynamics Recommendations

    Thanks for the recommendation!
  5. FuzzySphere

    Classical Electrodynamics Recommendations

    Thank you for your recommendation. The outcome I desire is to learn and enjoy the physics that interests me, and I don't think you have enough information to judge whether I'll reach those goals or not. Whether the specific goal is QED, the classical theory of radiation, etc, I intend to learn...
  6. FuzzySphere

    Classical Electrodynamics Recommendations

    Thanks everyone for the recommendations. I think I might go with Feynman, supplemented by Franklin's Classical Electromagnetism or Fulvio Melia's Electrodynamics, as both seem pretty good.
  7. FuzzySphere

    Classical Electrodynamics Recommendations

    Look, I'm not trying to spend $90+ on a book that can hardly be read. I've heard terrible things about that book, which doesn't make me too keen on using it to learn a subject that I'm already struggling to learn. I am asking to recommend a book that people generally like and can generally learn...
  8. FuzzySphere

    Classical Electrodynamics Recommendations

    Thanks for the advice! Have a great day!
  9. FuzzySphere

    Classical Electrodynamics Recommendations

    From what I just gathered, undergrad E&M uses Griffiths, graduate uses Jackson, Landau & Lifshitz, and Schwinger. I've heard bad things about Feynman, particularly that I won't learn to solve any problems. Is Feynman together with a problem book a good strategy?
  10. FuzzySphere

    Classical Electrodynamics Recommendations

    I haven't read it and don't intend to because it has a reputation of being a pedagogical nightmare and I'm not going to waste my money on something like that.
  11. FuzzySphere

    Classical Electrodynamics Recommendations

    I'm currently studying quantum mechanics from MIT opencourseware, just about to finish 8.05, quantum physics 2. I have little knowledge of electrodynamics, but I want to learn enough to be comfortable studying quantum electrodynamics in the future. My math background is pretty strong, so I've...
  12. FuzzySphere

    I Metrics and conformal transformations

    No, that is the transformation law for the metric, what I have is the coordinate representation of the pull back of the metric by the conformal transformation.
  13. FuzzySphere

    I Metrics and conformal transformations

    Conformal field theory is way over my head at the moment, but I decided to "dip my toes into it," and I watched a little video talking about conformal transformations. Now, I know that in a conformal transformation, $$x^\mu \to x'^\mu ,$$ the metric must satisfy $$\Lambda (x) g_{\mu \nu} =...