Recent content by Fidelis

  1. Fidelis

    A Finding the Angle Between Two Quaternions: A Simple Solution?

    The "inner product" would be good for me if p and q were in Cartesian form. My problem is that I need to write \alpha in function of \phi-\phi', \psi-\psi' and \theta-\theta' in a simple way. The quartenions q and p are in the phase-angle form and I can not convert the quaternions to the...
  2. Fidelis

    A Finding the Angle Between Two Quaternions: A Simple Solution?

    Hello! I have two quaternions with norm equal to 1. Both are represented in the angle-phase form, i.e, I have q=exp(i*\phi)exp(k*\psi)exp(j*\theta) and p=exp(i*\phi')exp(k*\psi')exp(j*\theta'). Let \alpha be the angle between q and p. I need to write \alpha in function of \phi-\phi', \psi-\psi'...
  3. Fidelis

    Exploring the Research of Fidelis at Unicamp: A Mathematician's Journey

    Hello! My name is Fidelis. I am brazilian and live in São Paulo, Brazil. I study graduate in mathematics at the State University of Campinas - Unicamp. I hope to contribute here in the forums and be helped too! :wink: