Recent content by Fast77

  1. F

    Life on other planets, are we looking at the wrong planets?

    Scientists are looking for Earth like planets/bodies to find life on other planets/bodies, somewhere that is warm enough that liquid water can exist, and somewhere with basic organic molecules. Here's where I have a concern, in the 4 billion years of Earth's life, to our knowledge life had only...
  2. F

    Career in Physics(limited money) help

    Thanks to you both, thrilled to hear that I'll have support in my Ph.D journey.
  3. F

    Career in Physics(limited money) help

    Thanks for the reply, just to clarify something, they give you a stipend for Masters and Ph.D? And is this always the case?
  4. F

    Career in Physics(limited money) help

    Hi and thank you for reading this, I live in Canada and will soon be going for my last year in high school, and I really want to pursue a career in physics, I've wanted this for a long time(5 years). Physics just intrigues me, and I'm quite good at it, but my family's income isn't that great...
  5. F

    Reason for wave-particle duality?

    Is there actually any research being done on what I'm suggesting? Thanks for the replies
  6. F

    Reason for wave-particle duality?

    Yes I've also heard of this disturbance theory if you will, where it's suggested that since everyday objects are consistently being measured(gravity, light etc.) that it's the reason they do not behave so strangely as they should according to QM. Which is why we use classical physics for...
  7. F

    Reason for wave-particle duality?

    I was merely saying that physicists don't take account gravity when working with quantum mechanics. Correct me if I'm wrong there.
  8. F

    Reason for wave-particle duality?

    Recently been thinking about the double slit experiment, and Schrodinger's cat thought experiment. And realized that quantum mechanics only applies to the atomic, and subatomic level of the universe as far as we know. And what's more that I realized that gravity does not play any significant...
  9. F

    Producing fusion reaction with x rays?

    When you ionize the deterium atoms, would it not turn into plasma, which is essential in fusing the nuclie.
  10. F

    Can Room Temperature Fusion Create Deuterium?

    Ah, I knew I was missing something. I couldn't be the only one noticing a mistake. Thanks for the clarification
  11. F

    Producing fusion reaction with x rays?

    Would it be possible to produce a fusion reaction(fusing deterium atoms) using x rays instead of high voltages? Scientist are trying to create fusion using laser, which is just focused photons, but if you have energetic photons such as x rays, which would knock the electron of the deterium atom...
  12. F

    Can Room Temperature Fusion Create Deuterium?

    Wow, I didn't really read the entire post, only a few, but there's a mistake from the beginning. If you fuse 2 H atoms you get helium 2, not deterium which is hydrogen 2.
  13. F

    Gravity's Effects on Light: Mass & Black Holes

    Yes I understand and I shall take your advice, but all I am doing is including the possiblities that are not being presented. Thanks for the that. By the way is that a rule in this website? Masih
  14. F

    Gravity's Effects on Light: Mass & Black Holes

    Non Newtonian Fluids behave differntly then regular fluids. Even antimatter, so there is a possibility that just mabey Dark Matter might be the key to breaking the light barrier or reach that speed. That is what I believe and think. Another soloution might be to make a spaceship from space...
  15. F

    Gravity's Effects on Light: Mass & Black Holes

    Please I thought you were man of logics. Why is it that humans are so stupid, especially adults. They kill, they waste and all they want is power, but kids are smarter and yet because of jealousy and power all adults do to kids it make them have a bad life. By the way I can't imagine you being a...