Recent content by Farahday

  1. F

    Energy where does it come from?

    :approve:APPLAUSE...accolades...cheer...ROF Even the TV science wizards like Michio Kaku have somewhat (but not entirely) backed off the notion that (if there was) a Big Bang initiated the phenomenon of existence. Before something can change, before something can act or be acted upon, it...
  2. F

    Energy where does it come from?

    The Univrse is 99.99% space by volume.
  3. F

    Energy where does it come from?

    Energy is a condition. Mass is a condition. They are interchangeable according to Uncle Al. Fathom, for a moment, that there are things other than mass and energy. In fact most of the cosmos is comprised of such things. BTW - I always try to keep my ying-yang balanced
  4. F

    Effort to get us all on the same page (balloon analogy)

    Of course if Einstein was wrong about space not being a substance (ethereal vs material), then GR is flawed - and so are any other theories using GR as a basis. It would be like a ballistics engineer who dismisses air as 'nothing'. His calculations over short distances would be accurate...
  5. F

    Effort to get us all on the same page (balloon analogy)

    Marcus - EXCELLENT explanation of expansion. It does; however, leave me with the same pertinent questions raised by RayYates: Unless the dispersion of the elemental particles that physicists deem to comprize the observable cosmos is a local event, then the entire cosmos, itself, is...
  6. F

    Need Help Understanding Expanding Universe

    Goodness. You sound threatened. We certainly wouldn't want to shake the old ivory tower with additional logical discourse. If my posts were illogical as opposed to just being contrary to the status quo conventional wisdom, I suspect you would just ignore them and feel sorry for this "crankey old...
  7. F

    Need Help Understanding Expanding Universe

    LOL - That is what I said. But in English...for those who don't speak Esoterica. The domain of all integers does not completely fill the domain of all integers PLUS any additional element. Happy now - or do you want to continue to talk over the heads of the unannointed in hopes of...
  8. F

    Need Help Understanding Expanding Universe

    Time dilation, the speed limit of 'C' and many other anomalies of contemporary science are explainable within a three spatially dimensional perspective. Pundits use the esoterically mystical 'time dimension' rather than the incantation "hocus pocus' because that archaic term is no longer...
  9. F

    Need Help Understanding Expanding Universe

    The number of integers in infinite. The number of reals is infinite. Neither set is quantifiable, but the set of integers is included in the set of real numbers and in any relative context, if the set of real numbers contains ANY number other than those found in the set of integers, that set IS...
  10. F

    Need Help Understanding Expanding Universe

    If the phenomenon of existence were the result of cause and effect, the cosmos would have to be finite - or have expanded at an infinite rate of for an infinite time. However, that is not the case. The phenomenon if existence is the SOURCE of cause and effect, not the result of it. Something...
  11. F

    Need Help Understanding Expanding Universe

    Thankyou for that concession. Finite set In mathematics, a finite set is a set that has a finite number of elements. The number of elements of a finite set is a natural number (non-negative integer), and is called the cardinality of the set. A set...
  12. F

    Need Help Understanding Expanding Universe

    Originally Posted by Farahday You can torturously contort all the equations you wish to cast the shape of the cosmos into a 'finite but unbounded' spherical spacecage, a hyperbolic, flat or pretzel shaped doodad, but no matter how vast the number of items you wish to consider, their size and...
  13. F

    Need Help Understanding Expanding Universe

    Chronos, #9 has obviously embarrassed himself enough...leave the poor guy alone. He obviously doesn't know integers are real numbers. "In mathematics, a real number is a value that represents a quantity along a continuous line. The real numbers include...
  14. F

    Need Help Understanding Expanding Universe

    Yes, IF the standard model was correct. A flat Earth used to be the standard model, also. You observe red shift...and that observation only pertains to extremely distant objects. We do not detect any expansion of the space between atoms/molecules locally that would lead us to believe the...
  15. F

    Need Help Understanding Expanding Universe

    In order to detect in increase one must have a measurement. If condition A is larger than B then there is an increase. Any value you assign to A or B is a defined (finite/limited) quantity. Yes it does. Infinity is the LACK of a quantifiable definition. Duhhhh... The set of integers is a...