Recent content by eyec

  1. E

    Interpretation of FFT time frequency analysis diagram

    thanks rude man, I wouldn't say I understand Fourier series, but I like to think I'm trying to. (and I believe I roughly understand how DFT works, that the results of FFT are the same as those of DFT, what the bins are, that the highest measurable frequency is the density of measurements and...
  2. E

    Interpretation of FFT time frequency analysis diagram

    Hi, I was told that in order to analyze cycles, wave patterns etc in empirical data, the time frequency analysis using the discrete Fourier transform (or the fast Fourier transform) are most appropriate (instead of say the autocorrelation spectrum). Using the Python scipy.fftpack as...
  3. E

    Book: History of Mathematics since the 20th Century

    Hi all, Can anyone recommend a good book on the history of mathematics in very recent times (i.e. since the 20th century, specifically including the mathematical beginnings of computer science, game theory, chaos theory, complex systems, recent developments in stochastics etc.etc.)? Most...
  4. E

    Min and max in order of operations

    thanks AlephZero, you are certainly right (& so is chiro). probably the author also meant it like that. if someone wants to examine it, on sciencedirect the paper costs a lot of money but on the author's website you can download it for free. (I just realized that now.)...
  5. E

    Min and max in order of operations

    thanks chiro, so I'm at least certain that I'm not completely wrong about how to deal with max, min ... etc. maybe i'll ask the author ... in case I find out something, I'll post that again.
  6. E

    Min and max in order of operations

    hi, i was unfortunately unable to find any information about the order of operations in which to apply min and max. (or is it just common knowledge for everyone except me?) consider min_{i \in I}max_{j \in J} (set of elements with indices i \in I and j \in J) (actually, this is from...